

Love at first sight
The feeling of falling in love instantly with someone without officially knowing them beforehand . It is a strong initial attraction that some people may describe as a feeling of connection or fireworks . It is a personal experience and a common theme in creative works such as literature, Films and songs . some people believe in love at first sight while others do not. So I've witnessed that people do tend to decide whether they are romantically interested in a person within a few seconds of meeting them. Hence, it is important to note that love at first sight does not necessarily guarantee a lasting marriage or relationship .

So let's dig deep in my story ...
It was bright summer day when I set foot on the old book store in downtown Steelpoort . I had always been an avid reader, but something about the place felt particular special. That's when I saw her, a young women with sparkling eyes, surrounded by towers of books.

Her name was Cindy and she was the owner of the bookstore. I was instantly mesmerized by her beauty and intelligence. We struck up a conversation about classic literature and soon found that we shared a deep love for the same authors.

Over the course of the afternoon , we talked , laughed and shared our favorite books, authors and poems. Lost track of time and before we knew it was well after sunset. Despite all this, both of us were too shy to ask each other's number.

As I was about to leave the bookstore, Cindy boldly handed me a copy of her favorite novel, "The Lord of the Rings " and wrote her number on the back.from that moment on, We began exchanging texts and phone calls, and soon started dating.

Our first date was at bookstore, where we exchange our favorite reads and shared first kiss. I knew that I had found my soulmate and we've been inseparable ever since .

Now, years later, we own the bookstore together and have even started writing our own novels . Our love story remains one for the ages and the bookstore continues to be a haven for all who love to read and believe in the power of love at first sight.
© Ashton Maphanga