

The Teady Bear
The girl wanted a ring for her Birthday present from her boyfriend.But instead, her boyfriend gave her a teady bear.The girl was furious seeing what her boyfriend brought for her Birthday present.She threw the teady bear with rage to the road.Her boyfriend was heartbroken to her act.
He went to the road to bring the teddybear back, but instead was hit by a truck.He was dead at the spot.She hugged the teady bear which she got from him, at his funeral. She was full of grief to his deadth, so she hugged the teady bear as tightly as she could. On squeezing the bear, the voice indicator inside the Bear Spoke, "I love You Stella". It was a voice message from her boyfriend before his deadth.Guess what? The teady bear had a ring inside it. This made her regret her act like crazy.