

♡ The Ascension of JESUS  ♡
JESUS CHRIST  physically departed from Earth by rising into Heaven, in the presence of eleven of His  apostles.According to the New Testament narrative, the Ascension occurred on the fortieth day counting from the resurrection. In the Christian tradition, reflected in the major Christian creeds and confessional statements, GOD  exalted JESUS after His death, raising Him from the dead and taking Him to Heaven, where JESUS took his seat at the right hand of God.

CHRIST'S Victory in rising to new life, ascending to Heaven and resting in eternal triumph at the right Hand of " GOD THE FATHER" is the Most Beautiful moment... Because I believe this promise of my LORD JESUS CHRIST in John 14:3 ....

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.

I love this promise of my LORD and Yes I am ready for You LORD my GOD ...