

The Destiny of Mankind
*"An intelligent Being Created and Designed Creation, he can't be a dummy not to have a purpose for creating every created entities or beings; Taking a step further to conduct an adequate research to discovering such purpose is the very first step of living in this world"*

We are not a free flying object with no magnitude nor direction, We find our true living and existence in our creator, who also is our savior and Lord and ultimately our Father.

Any man who hasn't discovered the reason of his existence in this world hasn't started living. The measure of a man's life is weighed not upon the speculations of men but on the eternal weigh and balances of the intelligent Creator that created all. His design is that all will enter into his Life and start living from there.

He wishes to reveal his fatherhood and his multifaceted treasures and riches within his created entities and this will be possible when his created entities is in perfect synchrony with him and his life.

To do this, he chose a vessel to do this, Man- Adam, Adam was designed by God to be in his image and Likeness. He was meant to carry the resemblance of God, He was adorned with so much Bright Lights and nature. He was designed to have power and authority over creation. He was planted into the garden of Eden that is being operated by the Great Glory of God. Within this atmosphere or environment, he could actively interact with God when God visits the garden. He could behold God and they both (Man and woman) will become radiant and brightly altered. Such Glory and honor emerges from their being because they abided in God's divine presence.

He carried the covenant of God upon him, he was deeply anointed with much grace, graced for expansion, fruitfulness, multiplication and exploration. He had the ability by the prescence to discern God's Mind and Heart. God promised Him eternal Life, and by the instrumentality of hsi fellowship, there is going to be a sharing, partnership, exchange and transport. He ultimately could be transported into the GodLife. It going to be like a resurrection reality. He could resurrect into Life, the Zoe.

So little did he know about the plan of God pertaining to him, he knew very little or is even ignorant about the extent to which God wanted so much for him. His ignorance made him revolt and rebelled against God's Word that created him. He was seeking For divinity, wanting to be like God after being deceived by the Once fallen Angel from Heaven (Satan).

Because of this act of Rebellion, he was kicked out of the garden of God, he was kicked into the Earth. The only way by which he could be saved is that a pure breed of seed has to come out of his loins because since man caused the problem, man has to solve it. So God decided to become a man, born out of the loins of man. That is a mystery, born out of love.

So God became flesh called Jesus Christ. He was revealed for the salvation of the whole race of man and creation that has went out of course. He died on the cross and destroyed death, poured out his blood for forgiveness, and poured forth his life to all in his resurrection that any one that believes in Him will have and share and partake in His very Life.

That promise of Eternal Life that was giving to Adam from the beginning of the word came bodily and now by Faith in Him, you can will have this Life.

Now our destiny finds it origin in this new life, our purpose is only discoverable in this Life. Living this Life becomes our destiny, Living in this Life becomes our created Purpose. This Life becomes also our Lord, regulating and determining our living.

That hope of Eternal life that was lost in the first Man Adam, was restored again in the second man and last Adam Jesus Christ. The New race of Men in synchrony with God now begins in CHRIST Jesus Our Lord. Anyone who accepts him is gifted with the very Life and spirit of God (Holy Ghost). To God, that man is a new creature, old things are passed away. Now he is now a man who has been planted into destiny.

No Christ, no Destiny, No Christ No Purpose, No Christ No Existence, No Christ No Life, No redemption, No liberty nor freedom. In him all things exist. In Him we Live, Move and have all our being. In this new Life we can fulfill the Purpose deisgned by this intelligent Being and they it can be said that such a man lives.

All things resides in Christ
All things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was Made, in Him is Life and the Life is the Light of Men that shines in darkness and darkness comprehends it not (John 1:1-5).


#For more insight contact: rastamanogkongeskipo@gmail.com or visit :rolmedans.blogspot.com