

Bleeding hearts 💔🖤
Dear, Parents
In everything you do don't put your couple frustrations on your children, because they didn't cause them.
In everything you do keep the children out of your misunderstandings, because they were never part in the first place.
In everything you do don't treat some children better than others because It's the root cause of divisionism and rivalry.
You are frustrating us and giving us stone hearts,
you are bringing us up in environments with absolutely no love,
you are making us feel less and wondering why we were born,
you are making us suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.
We don't deserve this, you are wrecking us but expecting us to be forgiving and understanding about everything.
We are finding it hard to trust even those with good intentions.
We are finding it hard to fall in love because we are afraid we could get hurt.
We are finding it hard to connect with family members who are trying to connect because we were segregated and pushed away.
You are one of the reasons this is mostly a broken generation.

Bring up your children in love.
Bring up your children in discipline.
Create a safe environment for your children to trust and share with you.
Don't torture your children be it mentally or physically.
Be friends and mentors to your children.
Lead them to the right path.
Don't segregate your children.


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