

Thoughts Season 1 Part 9

Well, the remembrance of how sensitive and conscious Chloe can be while sleeping got me to remember about the last sleepover that Chloe and Brad had in my family's Mansion. Honestly, that night wasn't a normal night..it wasn't like any other night..for it was an unusual night. it was the worst night in the history of my family's years in that mansion And it was also the worst night in the history of my best friends sleepover in the mansion. Well, don't you worry, I'll explain it to you all. According to what I can remember..we(Chloe, brad and I) were watching the Television in my room together. My room is actually in the third floor of my family's mansion. Towards midnight, while we were still watching the movie..Chloe and Brad slept off and I kinda started feeling sleepy, so, I decided in my mind that I should go and switch off the TV from the socket, in order that I could go to bed and sleep. Chloe and Brad were already sleeping on my bed while I was sitted on the couch in front of my bed then I stood up to go and switch off the television when my little sound of standing up woke up Chloe..Then out of a sudden the electricity completely went off in the entire mansion. This is something that never happened before. Why?......Because we always have our electricity on. And we also have two backup Generators just in case anything happens to the electricity. Honestly, we've never had any blackout like this before. Therefore, it was really strange. As I was thinking, brad woke up and asking what was going on...And I told him that I didn't understand either. Then I began searching for my phone...but surprising I couldn't find it again whereby I left it on the couch. Then out of a sudden, I didn't hear Chloe and Brad's voice again. I immediately called out to them but I didn't get any kind of reply. Just for me to realise that they were not in the room. But why did they leave me here.....then I decided to try to go downstairs in order that I can meet my dad whose room is in the first floor.... And I had to use my hands to direct my way downstairs in the dark house with no single angle of light.
Everywhere was quite silent still I got to the first floor where I saw a trace of light and some sounds....that I really think came from my mum who obviously was screaming and was scared. I quickly ran towards the direction of the light and then I saw my dad on a couch with a bullet wound on his hand and my mum was just begging the Bad man who was with a gun pointing at them to leave them alone. I saw this and hid; immediately thinking of how to save my parents.....As I was thinking I saw a shoe on the floor in front of me. Then I thought...... Maybe this can help me save my parents..... If I throw the shoe at his face......it would serve as a distraction for me to get the gun from him. But honestly how am I gonna do that when I'm really scared. But for the survival of my parents, I was willing to risk my life. So, I picked the shoe and threw straight towards the man's face. And then I ran to get the gun from him....As I reach him, I immediately received a painful punch to the face from the man which caused me to fall to the ground. Then the man said something like"finally, finally". While he was pointing the gun towards my face...as my mama was crying and begging the man not to kill me. Then out of a sudden, the man's phone began to ring..... Then he takes his phone from his pocket and answers the call..... I heard him say something like this "really?, so, you want me to retreat now. Are you crazy! I've finally got him and you're Telling me to leave him and go.........wait a minute, so, you allowed those people to convince you to retreat...... Boss, it's now or never......please.........Fine! Since you say so. I'll retreat..... Yeah,yeah,I'm leaving now". As he put off the call and then he left us alone. Once he was gone, we immediately contacted the police and the ambulance. Then out of a sudden, the light came back on again. Few minutes later, I began to think...what did the man mean....who did he come to kill....was it my dad or me.....I was a bit confused....And who was the those that convince the boss to retreat.... I was still confused.... Then I asked myself.... Where are my best friends..... This question caused me to roam around in the mansion, searching for my best friends.... Then I couldn't find them....then I finally went outside the mansion when I saw them walking towards me. Once I saw them I had so many questions to ask them....like....why did they leave me like that in time of danger..... Aren't they my best friends who are suppose to stick with me until the end. I also had questions like why was it on our sleepover night that my home was attacked. Well, I realised that all of the guards were killed...... Well, all my questions were overshadowed with the unexplainable joy I had to see my best friends well and alive again.....As I embraced both of them together...forgetting about asking them any question like a loving friend I was.......
© Daydawn