


She waited for three hours at the railway station but he didn't arrive. Just when the train was about to leave, she received his message.
it said:
Hey darling, I'm sorry. Just wait a little more and I'll be there. She replied, okay. She waited for him and suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulders and she turned. She was shocked and about to cry but he hugged her. He said babe, I know I ruined your plan to go for a vacation. But don't worry I've another plan for my Princess. What's the plan now? she asked. He said, shh its a surprise, you'll love it. When they reached the hotel, he blindfolded her eyes. She entered into the room and opened her eyes. She was surprised. She hugged him tightly and asked how do you know about my favourite things? He said when I saw your wishlist so I decided to fulfil all your dreams. Look at that your favourite music album, your favourite dish. Sweetheart, take this camera. She was shocked. He said I know how much you love to take photos. we'll go out and take many pictures. He kissed her forehead. She hugged him and said thank you with a kiss.