

egyptian mummy chapter 4
egyptian mummy chapter 4: diffcult problems
*all the doctors was so upset from dr.makarios and dr.hima was upset but in the same time she felt sorry and sad for him because she was so mature and know if someone good act like this there is something wrong and she know dr.makarios so well beacuse he was old friend they was BEST FRIENDS he was with her in the college so when she remebered him she called him to help her with tutankhmuan curse so she think to go to him with all the doctors to talk with him because she thought he had diffcult problems so he can't control himself*
*dr.hima called all the doctors to conform to go to dr.makarios and they all agree and she called ron her assistant to go to but he didn't agree and they went without him*
*they went to dr.makarios home*
dr.makarios: welcome doctors please sit.
*they sat*
dr.makarios: why do you came doctors? and i had to say sorry about how i behaved last day .
dr.marina:this what we came about.
dr:hima:yes she is is right we came to talk about how you behaved last day.
dr.makarios:i know you are so upset with me but i am so sorry i didn't mean that it's just last days before i came to you i had a diffcult problems so in those days i became insane and can't control myself i am sorry.
dr:marina:in the first we was so upset but after that we calm down and we knew that you had diffcult problems.
dr.hima:exactly dr.marina so now we had to go on doctors and work.
dr.makarios you are right dr.hima.
dr.marina:so doctors we will start work from tommorow.
*they agree*
*after they left dr.makarios think why ron didn't come*

© wrote by julia ehab
to be continued.....