

The Hello Man Chapter 1
The Old Wilson mansion and their old furniture and stuff was still for sale after those terrible murders in 1985, but it didn't seem that anyone wanted the mansion untill the 19th of August 2021 when someone finally bought the Wilson Mansion. The person who bought the mansion's name was Frank Rogers. He had a wife named Luna and two twin children named Wade and Natasha. The mansion was now called the Rogers Mansion.
The mansion looked old, it had cracked windows, it didn't had any electricity or water and the toilets were broken. The old Wilson's Furniture in the mansion was dirty and the floors cracked extremely hard when someone walked on it. The family hired workers to fix the place up. In total it was 26 people they hired to do different jobs. They started working right after being hired. A worker was on the second floor busy brushing the dust away, but all the sudden he heard a whisper, “Hello.” The worker said back, “Who said that.” Then the whispering voice said through the darkness again, “Hello.” The worker asked irritated, “alright who's playing with me.” Then he heard a dark, creepy, deep voice say, “I am!”. All the sudden a dagger came out flying from one of the dark corners and it hit the worker's throat. The worker fell silently mysteriously dead on the floor. In the dark corner was 2 red glowing eyes. After a moment the eyes vanished with the dead body. Two workers was in the bathroom room repairring the first floor's toilets. They both heard a whispering voice whisper “Hello.” They both looked at each other for small seconds then out of nowhere a man with blood red eyes came swinging a axe out of a dark corner, chopping of both worker's heads clean off. The man was wearing a white T-shirt, a brown suit, black pants and his mouth looked worked closed with a black string. He vanished taking the bodies with him. There was 5 workers busy in the second floor's living room. One was busy replacing the windows and the rest just cleaned. Both doors at the living room auto closed and locked by themselfs. Then all five workers heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello.” Then the man with the red eyes walked out a dark corner with a gun shooting silently at all five of them on their foreheads. The man's eyes became redder by the second, then he vanished with all 5 dead bodies. The doors opened again slowly with squeaking sounds. On the second floor's master bedroom there where 2 more workers, who at least finished their jobs, before they heard a angry whispering voice say, “Hello”. The workers just enored the voice and went to clean the bedroom next door. The room was extremely dark. At least they had flashlights with them. They later heard the same voice say, “You have to say Hello back!” All the sudden two bucher knifes came flying from under the bed. The knifes hit each of them on their left foot. One of the workers, Stella, screamed not only for the pane, but for terror! Then one pair of eyes glowing blood red became visible. A Trident went flying in a worker named Leon's head! Stella screamed again. She ran slowly out of the door, but as fast as she could. Her left foot was still burning of the pain. When she reached a long hallway, a machete came flying out of nowhere with top speed hitting Stella's back. The machete went so fast that it went through her body. Just in front of her stood the man with the red eyes who caught the machete with his left hand. In his right hand was a knife with a brown handle and and a red blade. The man cut Stella's throat with the knife. Just before 4 more workers came running in the hallway to see what that noise was, the man vanished with both dead bodies. The workers looked around. There was nothing, no one, no blood, it was just them on the second floor. When the workers went back to work, one worker heard a whisper, “Hello.” The worker looked behind him because that's where the voice came from. There stood the man with red glowing eyes. The man said “Hello and Goodbye” while he pulled out a gun and shot the worker in the head. The bullet went through his head and hit the other three workers who stood just infront of him also in their heads. On the first floor's kitchen there was 3 workers scrubbing and cleaning the kitchen. They heard the same whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. One worker just said “Hello” back. Then the water he was scrubbing with turned into blood and if that wasn't enough blood became to draining out of the sink. The same whispering voice whispered again, “Hello”. Then all sudden the man with the red eyes stood in a dark corner looking at them. In his hand was the knife with the red blade. One worker asked who he was and before he stabbed all three of them to death he said that his name was The Hello Man. All the sudden his eyes became redder. He went out of the kitchen and killed the rest of the remaining workers one by one with his knife. He vanished with all the dead bodies and blood. At least the mansion was in shape, clean and fixed enough for the family to move in, but the police first checked the place to see if the missing workers' bodies weren't in the mansion. The police didn't find anything. On the 22th of August the Roger family moved in the mansion. After a few days of packing and unpacking, the creepy mansion was home to the Rogers Family.
The night on 25th of August the family went to their beds to sleep early, because the packing and unpacking made them beyond tired. It rain extremely hard and lightning strikes was very heavy. In Natasha's room there was this creepy, dark, scary whispering voice who wishperd, “Hello”. Natasha got up from her bed, turned on her light and looked around, but no one was in her room. "Strange I thought I heard a voice?" thought Natasha to her self. When she got into her bed and turned off her light there was two red eyes in front of her bed looking strait at her. When she saw the eyes, she wanted to scream, but a knife sliced her throat before she could even open her mouth. The eyes and Natasha's body vanished into the darkness. That morning when Natasha's mother wanted to wake her up for school, she screamed. On the walls in her room was written with blood, "THE HELLO MAN WAS HERE!" The police came that morning. That night when the police was still there, all of them heard a angry voice what the family didn't hear, “Hello...Welcome to hell!” Then one by one arrows came flying out of the dark corners and shot the police men each on their back of their necks. The family watched it happen. In front of them was a man standing with red eyes. The family ran out of the house with terror. That morning the family visited a demonologist. The demonologist's name was Bruce Narrow. Bruce went with them that night to check out the mansion. After they walked in the mansion Bruce said, “This house is defintly ether haunted or cursed or possessed”. The family asked him how he knew that the house was ether haunted, cursed or possessed, then he said that his guts tell him that and that there are one pair of blood red eyes looking at them from that dark corner. The demonologist saw a knife in the dark corner, a knife with a red blade and he whispered to himself, “So thats the problem.” Then he told everyone to run outside quickly. While they ran outside Frank asked Bruce in terror what the problem was with the mansion. When they were a great distance away from the mansion Bruce told Frank, “It wasn't the house it was a knife who is possessed by a demon who laid to your daughter's death.” “A knife?” asked Frank out of breath. “Not any knife, the knife of DEMO. The Anti Blood I believe the old ones called it, You see legend has it DEMO, the demon who guards the gates between Hell and the Underworld's son, BURO died in the hands of angels who guarded the stars. So DEMO took a killing object from this Earth and first stabbed an angel with it, then stabbed his own son's dead body with it, then he possessed the knife with his son's soul. Now for all eternity the owner of this knife turns into a killing psychopath with little bit of a demon's powers.” told Bruce to the family. “So thats why his knife's blade is red, it's the blood of BURO!” said Luna unsure. “Correct” said Bruce. “You'll need not only my help to defeat that demon, but also a priest's help” explainsd Bruce with short breath. “Defeat it, who said anything about defeating it?” asked Frank. “Mr. Rogers we can't let this psychopath kill anymore people!” said Bruce with a little anger. “Okay, but why do you need our help?” asked Luna “Actually I don't, but BUROs soul is leached to your family, the psychopath will do every thing in his power to kill all of you.” explained Bruce to Luna. The family was speechless.
That morning the family and Bruce went to the nearest church asking for help from a professional priest. A priest agreed to help them only, because he knew the legend of The Anti Blood knife. The priest packed his bible, a tiny wooden cross, some paper, a few matches and a 1980's clay pot. “Don't you need holy water or to do a exorcism or something like that to kill a demon?” asked Bruce to the priest. “Yes, mostly in some cases, but we're facing an indestructibil Demon-psychopath.” said the priest proundly.
At midnight the priest, the demonologist and the family went back to the mansion. They walked around a little bit. They heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello.” The Priest told his plan silently to Bruce so that the family couldn't hear it. A little while later the priest saw the red eyes of the psychopath. The priest asked it what it's name was. It began to rain extremely hard and heavy lightning strikes flew to one place to another. The priest asked the psychpath the same question again. Then out of nowhere blood writings began to appear on one of the walls spelling THE HELLO MAN. Bruce ran to the demon, taking its knife and stabbed it with its own weapon, pulled it out, ran back to where he was standing before and gave the priest The Anti Blood Knife. The priest threw it in his clay pot with the paper. He also lighted up the matches and threw it in the clay pot. Then he started to read out of he's bible hard enough that everyone there could hear it. All the sudden the rain turned into blood and the lightning strikes became red. The Hello Man screamed and took out a few daggers out of his pocket and threw them directly to the priest, Bruce jumped in front of the priest while saying “Ahh Just, just keep on reading!” So the priest kept on reading. The Hello Man tried to cover his ears. Then all the sudden The Hello Man got demon wings and he became on fire. The Hello Man yelled, “Hello and Goodbye!”, then he went flying directly to the priest's direction. Just when The Hello Man wanted to cut of his head with a axe, the Priest stopped reading, closed his byble, took his cross, showing it to the demon and said, “Dear God, the holy Father, please show this so called The Hello Man your true power... ...Amen!”
Then all the sudden The Hello Man fell to the floor. His wings and the fire vanished. Just when he picked up the knife from the pot he vanished with the knife. It stopped raining blood and the lightning turned normal again. The Hello Man's name who was written with blood disappeared. The Hello Man was no more. The Rogers family went on with their lives, so did the priest, but Bruce died a proud man. The Hello Man became a legend which is lost with the legend of the Anti Blood Knife, but not lost forever.

#TheHelloManUniverse #Anime #Horror

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