

Warriors Journey•Rise of the Demon part 10
chapter 10- The untold Purpose

" Benjamin Potter". The watery words woke Ben up. It was still nighttime and the others were dead asleep. The words spoke up again." Benjamin Potter".

" Who is it?" Ben said in a whisper.

A woman had formed herself out of the water they floated on. Her eyes made of green bioluminescent algae and her hair a bright blue.

" Queen Lammè as guided you into confusion and frustration. Even though you tell your friends waiting is necessary, you still scared of the outcome of the days ahead. My name is Queen Soa, Daughter of water and I am here to tell you of the truth. The murky pond you once starred into will be cleansed by my words. You are the product of the clashing of two powers. One of pure power and goodness and the other everything evil and despicable in the universe. Your father is the Demon Dragon, ruler of the underworld, the embodiment of evil, hate and deception".

Ben cut her off." No. Dr. Gemm is my father. He raised me in the Mal-X desert".

" These are lies told to you by your King and your supposed father. The fight that started thousands of years ago sparked a clashing of two universal powers that, inevitably, created you as a result".

" Dr. Gemm isn't my real father? And I'm not a real human?" Benjamin said holding back tears of confusion.

"You are not a human and Dr. Gemm is merely a pretender. You are the line between the good and evil of the universe. You are the messiah of all life in existence and if you don't finish the fight that King Polo started 3,000 years ago…then everything and everyone in the universe will be destroyed ".

"Wait, why did she tell me to collect the Chaos Claws?"

" They are the three Claws that your father lost in the battle against your other father, 3,000 years ago. They are needed for him to rise once again".

" So they don't give me any power?"

" Only to the ordinary soul. Your locked power makes those Claws like a single atom in the ocean. You have them so he doesn't get them".

The watery queen drained back into the ocean, leaving Ben alone with his thoughts.

The same confusion and frustration that had consumed him previously, set upon him again.

How could I not be a human? Why did they hide this secret from me for so long?

Slowly his frustration and confusion turned into violent anger. He needed to confront Polo and The doctor.

Although everything was clear to him now, he didn't believe. He couldn't believe.

For three hours Ben sat in his anger as the waves pushed him to their destination. The sun rose as Ben repeatedly clenched his fist. The Island was right in front of them. His stomach turned as the freezing breeze chilled his skin. It didn't bother him because of his anger. It warmed him and encouraged him.

Kenshi's loud yawn startled him. " Morning kid".

Ben didn't answer.

" Hey. Ben. Why are you up so early?"

" The Queen visited me last night. She told me who I really am". Ben didn't turn to face Kenshi. He focused his vision of the water his feet soaked in.

" Oh really. Queen Lammè's spirit visited you again? What did she say?" Kenshi's voice was filled with enthusiasm.

" Not Queen Lammè. Queen Soa", Ben corrected.

" oh, that makes sense. She is the Queen of water". Kenshi gestured at the ocean.

" So what did she say?" He said sitting next to Ben.

Ben told him everything she had said.

" That's impossible. There's no way you're the son of the Demon Dragon". Kenshi was utterly shocked.

" And apparently the son of your father too", Ben added.

Kenshi didn't speak. He just starred in the lifeless water.

" Who's the father?" Arashi said with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes and came to sit next to the others.

Ben filled him in on what Queen Soa had told him.

" Woah." All the words in the world couldn't explain each of their thoughts.

Their raft reached the rocky coast of the island. The dragons pulled it up on the wet rocks as Ben marched up the hill that separated the sea from the land. Eventually, the forest got denser and the walk became more difficult. Especially with the anger, Ben carried on his shoulders like bricks.

Ben walked fast and ignorant with the two following quietly.

" Ben, what are we gonna do when we get up there?" Arashi asked, tripping over tree roots.

" I need answers". He said firmly.

" Didn't Queen Soa answer your questions, Ben?" Arashi responded.

"I need confirmation to questions already answered". Ben's answers didn't seem logical. He was clouded by anger. Anger was a sign of demonic ways. Anger led to fear and led to Satanic magic.

They reached the path that would connect to the Kings Castle. The wide gate was already open. King Polo and Dr. Gemm stood motionless in the gateway. It seemed they were having a conversation.

" Ben!-" King Polo greeted, turning to face the three.

" Queen Soa talked to me and told me that you two had been lying. Is this correct?" Ben attempted to hide the anger and fear that had been building up for the past three hours.

" Oh no. I believe our secrets have come into the light". King Polo spoke softly. As if his life was ending.

" So…It's true. The things Queen Soa told me were true?!" His anger picked up and his voice grew louder.

" To a degree Ben". Dr. Gemm placed his palm in front of him as if to reach Ben's soul.

" We needed to keep your importance hidden from you so that the Demon Dragon couldn't find you and corrupt you", Gemm pleaded.

" I don't understand. You didn't have to…hide this from me. I'm the messiah of the universe? I'm supposed to save the universe from my supposed father", Queen Soa's words came back into sight.

" Gemm…" He turned to face Gemm and only Gemm.
" You claimed to be my father. Do you know what that title means to someone?"
His voice deceived as tears rolled down his cheeks like a blooming waterfall. He could taste the salt from them on his lips.

"It hurts to look at you. You're a liar…a-a pretender!" The anger dried his tears and replaced his sadness.

" You don't deserve life! Your accomplishments mean nothing if you're a liar and a deceiver!"

" Ben please", King Polo tried to calm him.

" I don't need your pity either". He turned to his King and spoke to him as if a lesser.

" If anything you caused just as must damage! You let me believe that you were a role model, a superior! And you let me believe that my life would be normal! You looked me in my eyes and let me believe I wouldn't be responsible for the entire universe!" He calmed a little, but not enough.

" Do you have any idea how much pressure you have placed on me? Do you have any ability how hard it is to understand the circumstances of if I don't defeat my father?! Of course not. You only rely on others to do your job. She told me. She told me that you started this battle thousands of years ago. The universe is screwed because of your failure!"

King Polo tried to say something but deep down he knew Ben was right. He knew Ben wouldn't see his side, so he didn't try.

Ben remembered the King's words from months ago. His voice calmed slightly. He switched from anger to sadness at the flip of a switch. " You said my purpose was having adventures and learning magic…my mind is incapable of understanding the entire toll of the universe. How many lives are at stake? How many souls capable of advanced thought, will die at the cause of my hands?"

" Because of you, the universe rests on my shoulders. Your burdens shouldn't have become mine". Ben began to walk away but turned one last time." I decide my own fate..king", he said his last words in a spiteful way. He was disgusted with his former ideal.

Ben walked back the same way, tripping over tree roots and trampling threw fallen leafs. He failed to see the beauty in the landscape that surrounded him. He finally realized trust his emotions were clouding his judgment. They reached the rocky shore and Ben commanded the dragons to push the raft back in the water.

Waves crashed hard against the slippery rocks and the storm above poured heavy rain. It wasn't raining at all when Ben was lecturing King Polo. Ben thought to himself, maybe the gods are angry with me? No, they can't be, I was in the right. Right?

" Ben! Where are you going?!" Arashi questioned over the loud wind and rain.

" Anywhere but here", Ben answered.

Ben jumped on the raft as the waves pushed it out to sea. Arashi and Kenshi jumped on with him. The spirit dragons followed. The waves pushed them fair into the sea. The roaring storm above clouded the sun from visibility. Ben sat with his feet in the water and stared into it deeply. He felt like if he could see the bottom, he could see what he needed to do.

A few minutes passed before one of them spoke.

" Where will we go, Ben?" Arashi asked.

" Why do I have to decide?! I shouldn't have to do everything for everyone!" Ben snapped. Almost immediately he realized that he was too harsh with his friend. He turned around.

" Hey, I didn't mean that Arashi", Ben said apologetically.

" I understand". Arashi spoke without looking at his friend.

The group sat in silence for an hour. Arashi sat and twiddled his thumps, Kenshi sat on his back and stared up at the thunderous clouds that had secured its heavy rains. Ben still sat on the edge of the raft with his feet in the water. He hadn't moved for an hour. His anger had died but his sadness remained in his soul. He hadn't released that external scars were much worse than external.

Big Blue had wondered from his sleeping spot next to Ben. He placed his massive head on his lap and snored. Ben smiled and scratched his furry head. Suddenly the little horns that ran down Big Blues back, shifted. They were pointing straight but then they turned to the left. Then he had an idea, what if the spirit dragons weren't just regular pets, what if they were tools.

Ben got up and usee his legs to push Big Blues tale in the ocean. He used it as if a rotor and turned the raft to face the horns that ran across his spine. He looked back at the horns and they faced straight again.

" What did you do?" Kenshi asked, waking up from a nap.

" The horns that run down his spine were facing the left so I turned the raft to face them", Ben explained.

" And did anything happen?" Kenshi said with a yawn.

Ben turned around and bent down in a crotch." They face straight now. Where his horns point must be important ".

Ben spun around and looked at the horizon. The sky cleared and the sun relieved itself to be high noon. He felt happier in the sunlight somehow. He felt empowered and social. He hopes that he doesn't have to die when he destroys his father. He didn't want the rest of the universe to die, but he wanted to have a life like everyone else. It was a difficult feeling.

Soon enough a little crest of land revealed itself on the horizon.

" Kenshi. Look." Ben pointed at the land.

" I don't recognize that landform. Interesting. We could be the first to land here. That dragon of yours could make us famous!" Kenshi said scratching Big Blue.

Ben had a different idea about this island. He felt like this place should give him the ability to defeat his father. The knowledge and insight on how to defeat him. He just wanted to get better. Yelling at his ideal and his once, father, made him feel gross and lesser. It shouldn't have though, he had a just right to tell them they were wrong but yet he still felt bad. Maybe it was just in his nature to be nice and treat others equally. He didn't know. He wanted to know but couldn't figure it out. Eventually, he just gave up on knowing and stop thinking so hard.

Ben noticed that he lost his focus on the Island and how it made him feel. He refocused and looked out at it. There it was, the full Island that might even be undiscovered. Whatever was here will help him on his journey and he felt it. Deep down he felt something guiding him here. Not directing, not forcing but it was a slight pull. This is where the next chapter started.