

I don't care writing at nights
I feel on fire when I write. Connected with my soul, more alive, my words will burn happily inside. I can write endless stories through the night. My eyes want to close, but my mind wants to write. My inspiration source secretly smile and cheat my mind, avoiding me to close my eyes, it's keeping me awake.

It is so hard closing your eyes, when all you  want is to write what is inside.
Even if it does not rhyme, even if it is shallow, empty, no one cares what you have to tell, only yourself. 
You just know that you deeply want to search, you just know that you are going to find some words to describe what is not to feel alone when you can write.

I hug my words, listen to my heart, dance with the rithm of the silence, sing some songs in my mind, imagine myself playing my guitar.

My writing heart is just giving me the chance to breath, to smile, to see in the dark, to discover more, to feel alive, to touch inside, to crave for endless inner love.

Tonight, I just want to write, be carried away by meaningless words, fantasies, shapes in the dark, shapes that I create, shapes that keep telling me not to stop and write even more, my deepest thoughts.

Hey you! knock knock! Write tonight all what you want, during  the day inspiration is away.

I am not an early bird, I am the craziest night owl that the world can create.
Now it comes the sun, and of course, inspiration has gone.

