

Zombies And The Honeybees (pt 1)
It's the year 3026, me and my girls Hayden, Kati, Abby, and Vianne are survivors of the zombie outbreak that start 5 years ago. The story I am about to tell you is a long one but I am going to start from the beginning, before the world went into the deepest whole that humanity could offer. Year 3021, age of group 13, gender all female. (Rileys point of view) We had just made it to school me and Abby were in the same class Kati and Vianne are in the same class and Hayden is by herself. We were in are third period class when a voice came on the speakers saying that school was being shut down and no one was going to be let out, but halfway through her sentence she screamed. We were all scared we didn't know what to do, then a girl in my class had screamed and point at the door. There was a bloody man with parts of his body rip apart his skin was pale and his hair was falling out. He started to bang on the door to my classroom, everyone started screaming then a boy said look outside, me and Abby stayed by each other and walked over the window only to see a mob of people that looked like the man that was banging on are door. All the sudden are there was a loud crash, I whiped my head over to where the sound was and it was the door, the man had broken into the classroom and the screams got even louder. (Kati's point of view) We herd the screaming coming from other classrooms, we looked through the window on our door and saw kids running and screaming, someone in our class pushed the door open and everyone flooded out of our classroom. Me and Vianne started running into the hallway when the screaming infront of us got louder, we turned around to hear the same from the back, me and Vianne where by the girls bathroom Vianne grabed my wrist and pulled me into a stall and locked the door. (Haydens point of view) I was grabed by one of the girls in my class and we started running in the hallways, I didn't know what was going on and I couldn't see anything there were so many people that I couldn't take it. I forced my hand out of the girls and ran into the bathroom, I started hearing a noise in one of the stalls and started to get scared, then the door bursts open and out come Vianne and Kati. I asked them what was going on and they said they didn't know they said the screams got louder in both directions so they went into the bathroom for safty. I asked if they knew where Riley and Abby were and they said no, then all the screaming stoped me Kati and Vianne slowly walked out of the bathroom and what we say was horriable. Everyone was on the floor, there was blood everywhere, I didn't think anyone was still alive. (Katis point of view) When we steped out of the bathroom my heart sunk, everyone I had ever known was dead, Vianne said that we should keep walk. We started weaving through the bodys being careful that we didn't step on them, when we herd a noise coming from around the corner. Hayden thought it was another person and ran to the corner, as she got to the end of the hallway she screamed turned around and ran back to us. When we asked her what she saw all that came out were stutters, then what she saw came around the corner a pale bloody disfigured person limping to us, we were frozen in are tracts and at that moment I thought we are going to dye. It almost got to us when it stoped and fell to it's knees revealing Riley and Abby behind her, Riley was covered in blood and holding a bloody pocket knife that she had brought to school everyday. We ran and huged Riley and Abby scared out of are mind, we asked them what had happened and Riley said that an infection got out starting the zombie apocalypse.
© Julia storymaker