

His song ,Your Song
Your dick makes me do right.
And his love makes me do wrong.
And that's why I'm writing this song.
Each one love's to do me all night long.
Both are happy,
But one makes me do right.
And the other make's me do wrong.
So I'm stuck in between his HIS SONG, AND YOUR SONG,
For how long can this really go on?
It's complicated and that's just in this song.
I love to f*** what's right,
And I love to get f***** wrong.
And the same thing goes.....
HIS SONG, AND YOUR SONG can you say it to me!
Why is hard to break free from both my lover's?
Because everybody's having fun except for me.

written by Delicia Marie Lee Lopez on May 20th 2020 at 11 p.m.
I'm also the creator of these graphics for this story