



With an unexpected meeting in a cafe , he treated her to a special cold coffee. She became addicted that day, but not to the cold coffee. She was addicted only to him. Will she be able to confess her feelings?

POV - Annabelle Rox


On Christmas Eve,

Oh my my.... So crowded.

What am I doing here?

Oh, if I remember correctly, I am here to confess my feelings to this café owner.

Damn, why is this too difficult?

Every time, he is surrounded by a bunch of people. It annoys me.

Here I am, trying my hardest to get to him, and then he is busy. What an unpleasant life story of mine! I realized I have fallen for him, it's too late for me. So let me tell you the story.

My name is Annabelle Rox, a 23-year-old woman who works at the London Times as an investigative reporter. I was pretty famous at that time.

However, one year ago, things got interesting. It happened the previous year when I was trying to do my best in my career.

I was on an investigation, like recently some cafes providing rotten food items to customers. So I secretly investigated this matter at the London Times. To get more evidence and stories, I cross-dressed as a young man who knows about cooking. Of course, I have some good cooking skills. Then I went into cafes in London streets and secretly studied and investigated some matters, then disappeared soon after. I know this story would take some months to complete, so my boss gave me a 6-month duration. I am still working on London cafes.

I found out some interesting facts about London cafes and began to write about them.

At last, I reached my final destination: Blue Lake.

It was not like the other cafe. It was pretty far away from London Street. It looked kind of old, with an aesthetic style. It wasn't too crowded. I entered as usual, young man Han. When I entered, I heard someone's violin performance. That gave me the first impression of this cafe. Then I talked to the receptionist, whose name is Lara. She was very pretty. But soon she began to flirt with me. I know it happens because I am a man in front of them, so I tolerated her flirting.

In order to finish my report, I have to work here as well. Soon, I was welcomed by the cafe manager, Martha. She was a middle-aged woman. She seemed to be very strict and scary. She told me that in order to get the job, I have to pass the cafe owner's test. I agreed to her request. Then she told me to follow her as we walked inside the cafe.

Finally, I was going to meet the cafe owner. I saw maids and waiters busy with their work. I could see chefs busy in the kitchen, so I wondered where the owner was. Is he an old guy like the previous cafe owner? So many questions popped up in my mind for no reason. But surprisingly, Martha told me to wait inside the hall where the violin performance was happening. With curiosity and confusion, I entered the hall. The melody of the violin attracted me. I closed my eyes and listened to it. I was really surprised to learn that the melody was the one my father used to play on his violin. Then I opened my eyes and looked at the person playing. I saw a black-haired guy playing. He looked around 25 years old. He also closed his eyes, but he had a beautiful smile on his face. When I stared at him intensely, suddenly he opened his eyes. He had beautiful brown eyes and a beautiful mole on his cheek. The crowd cheered for him. That's when I realized I had been drooling over him for a few minutes. Weird, I told myself.

Another worker, very well. Oh, maybe he is a violin performer. By the way, why did I have to wait inside the hall? I thought. Then Martha told me, "Boy, listen, your test is about to begin. Go and meet the violin performer; he is your customer. If you impress him, you will pass." I was kind of panicked. "Well, calm down, Anna. It's just a test," I thought. I looked at the violin guy; he was surrounded by people. When he smiled at them, my heart skipped a beat. "Damn," I told myself. Then I walked towards the violin guy.

He then sat down at a table nearby, and I just stood in front of him. In front of his table, some people stayed with him. He provided everyone a cup of cold coffee, even me. I got a cup of cold coffee. Then he began to talk like this, "I added something in this cold coffee. If you figure it out, you will be rewarded." He smiled mischievously, and here goes my heart, it skipped a beat again.

So everyone around me was busy sipping their cold coffee, however, I smelled my coffee. "Wow, the smell of vanilla ice cream touched my nose. It even made me desire to take another sip," I thought. "I never had a cold coffee like this. Most people add some other ingredients that make cold coffee bitter or too sweet. For that reason, I refuse cold coffee. But his coffee was very special."

Then people started to say ingredient names, but those were wrong. Almost everyone shouted some cream names. They didn't even think of vanilla because it has a strong taste of coffee powder. Then my chance came. He stared at me. "Wow, his brown eyes are too deep," I thought. "Well, I... Shit, I began to stammer." The crowd began to laugh at me. "Shit, this is not going well." He came near to me. "Oh damn, now he is also going to tease me," I thought. I waited for him to say something, but he gave me his smile that boosted me. Then I told him, "It's vanilla, you added vanilla ice cream." "Correct!" he clapped at me, and the crowd also. "Well, you got a reward." He placed a chocolate bar in my hand. I was looking at him

"Well, you passed the test," he told me with a smile.

"Oh, yes, I smiled at him too," I replied. Then he walked away from me while I stared at him intensely. Martha came near to me and said, "Welcome to Blue Lake, Hans. Meet the cafe owner, Amiro Flowerhill. He is our cafe owner."

"What, seriously?" I asked her.

"Yes," Martha replied coldly.

"Amiro..." I spelled unconsciously.

Only three months left. I joined the Blue Lake cafe. It's not as popular as other cafes, probably because Amiro is new to the business. But I can assure you that the service they provide is top-notch. Soon, they will become popular. That's when I began to know about Amiro - a caring, gentle, and amazing chef. The customers' needs always take priority over the cafe. I was appointed as a helper. My job was to taste some dishes and provide feedback. I also did some cleaning work in the cafe. Everyone treated me well, especially the younger ones. This experience was new for me. I rarely saw Amiro. He was mostly busy with violin performances or making cold coffee. Well, his cold coffee was always my favorite. I had the desire to have it fully, but I tried to control myself. Days went by, and I knew I had to say goodbye to everyone and disappear for sure. So, I decided to spend my last day here. That day, I worked and talked with everyone as usual, making sure not to make any suspicious movements. I also saw Amiro that day, together with a pretty lady who almost looked like him. I stared at them, and suddenly Lara came to me. We had a conversation like this,

Hey handsome, who are you looking for?

Well, that pretty lady over there.

Oh, that's Ameya, his sister.


Yeah, unfortunately she is blind.


Yeah, that's why he's taking care of her.


Suddenly, we were interrupted by Martha.

Lara rushed towards the reception. I just looked at them, then focused on my work.

Ameya was pretty. She had long hair and a lovely face. I just stared at her, then suddenly I saw Amiro leave her alone. At that moment, some troublesome customers entered our cafe. They seemed to be drunk and began to disturb other customers. Some of our workers tried to manage it, but they even began to misbehave with Lara.

At the same time, I saw one of them target Ameya. She had no idea what was going on, and I bet she was trembling with fear.

Seeing her face made me angry. I rushed towards that person. When he was about to touch her, I kicked him out. He fell down with a loud noise. Everyone looked at us.

I came near to Ameya and held her hand.

Her trembling hand began to calm down.

The person I kicked got up and looked at me furiously. Then, behind him, his friends surrounded us.

Luckily, I know how to fight. I called Lara to take care of Ameya and told her, "It will be alright." She smiled at me beautifully. I saw them walk away. Then the huge fight was about to happen, and suddenly I was accompanied by my fellow workers. We kicked them out without causing any damage. Then suddenly, someone was about to stab me, but that person was kicked by Amiro. I was surprised to see him. He winked at me, and again my heart skipped a beat.

Well, I focused on fighting. After a few minutes, everything went smoothly. The cops came and took care of them. That day, everyone in the cafe called me Bravo. Ameya also thanked me. I ended up with some wounds, but I told them it was okay. However, Amiro didn't let me go. He treated my wounds. Damn, I felt so happy at that time.

While treating me, he asked, "Do you need anything?" I was busy staring at him, then I told him, "Your cold coffee, please." Everyone around me giggled, even Martha. Amiro patted my head and told me, "It's on your way." I knew today was my last day as Hans, so I really didn't want to miss this chance.

Then he made a special cold coffee for me. I enjoyed every sip and thanked them all very politely. I looked at the cafe and had precious memories there. This was the best time of my life. I said my final goodbye without noticing them. Amiro was about to send me off, but I refused.

"Goodbye, Amiro," I said in my mind. After that, I finished my work and published the report. I won the best award. At the same time, Blue Lake Cafe became popular as well as Amiro and his cold coffee. Days went by, and I was busy with some other work. I didn't get the chance to know about Blue Lake Cafe. Then one year passed.

Here, I am at the Blue Lake Cafe, waiting for his special cold coffee order. This time, I am the original self, Annabelle. I know no one is going to recognize me. I saw everyone here, as usual, they were busy. Martha was busy with guiding, Lara was busy with reception, and the chefs and others were also occupied.

Blue Lake has become so popular, but it's not because of me. It's up to their hard work. I saw Amiro on the other side of the hall. He is usually busy playing his melody. I closed my eyes for a bit and remembered how I met him. After all, he hasn't changed a bit. He's still handsome.

The memories of this cafe took over my mind. I smiled. At that moment, surprisingly, Martha came near me. I was panicked with joy, but then I realized that I am not Hans. She gently smiled at me, gave me the menu card, and left without saying anything. At that moment, I felt someone staring at me. It was none other than Lara, along with her friend Ameya.

They both walked towards my table. I was kind of surprised, but then they came near me and we had a conversation.

"Hmm, miss, is it okay if we have one more person at your table?" Lara asked.

"Oh, I am okay," I replied.

"Are you waiting for your order?" Ameya asked.


"Okay, miss, it will take a few minutes," Lara said.

Then, as Lara was about to walk away, Ameya said something. She spelled out 'HANS'.

"What?" I was shocked. Oops, I almost spilled, I thought.

"Oh, it's nothing," Lara told me. Then Ameya joined our conversation.

"Your perfume is exactly like Hans'," she smiled at me.

I panicked. Shit, she has a point. I didn't even change my perfume. How could she notice that? There is chaos in my mind.

"Well, who is he?" I asked, hiding my panic.

"Well, he is a mystery worker boy in the cafe. He has worked here for over a month. Everyone likes him. But one day, he disappeared without saying anything."

I stared at them with guilt. It's not like that I want to do. An awkward silence was going on there. Then Lara left Ameya in my care. Ameya didn't even change, I thought. Then suddenly Ameya held my hands, again I was surprised. Then she told me, "I miss him." I felt bad and guilty too. I held her hands gently and told her, "It's okay." After a few minutes, Ameya left.

At that time, I took a look at the cafe. The furniture didn't change. It still maintained its aesthetic beauty. While I was roaming, I was surprised to see something on the cafe wall. That... I rushed over there.

That was my picture, my picture as Hans, and it was a hand drawing. I stared at it intensely. Then someone appeared behind me and whispered in my ear, "Do you know him?"

I was shaken when I heard that voice. I turned around and saw that person's beautiful smile, the beautiful mole on his cheek. Here, my heart skipped a beat again.

It was none other than Amiro. We were too close and no one was near.

I grinned at him and told him, "No."

He smiled at me mischievously. Then we had a conversation like this:

"What are you doing here then?"

"The cafe is beautiful, so I just wanted to look at it."

"Okay, miss, do you want to order something?"

"Well, yes."

"Because everyone here has already left. You are our last customer who hasn't ordered anything."

"Well, sorry, I..."

While talking, we had already reached my table. I looked around and it was true that everyone had already left. Martha and the others were about to close the shop.

He stared intensely into my eyes. I felt my cheeks burning. This Amiro, I am not familiar with.

I gulped and replied to him, "I want your cold coffee."

"What, seriously? In this cold weather, you really want that?" he teased me.

"Well, I want that," I panicked and told him.

"Okay, it's on your way," he replied with a smile. He walked away. I saw Lara and Martha smiling at me. I smiled at them too.

A few minutes later, he came with my favorite cold coffee. When I sipped it, I tasted vanilla. I was surprised and remembered my first meeting with Amiro. I spelled unconsciously, "It's vanilla."

"Yeah, you guessed correctly," Amiro told me.

"What the..." I choked on my coffee.

I was too shocked to learn that Amiro was sitting near me.

"Are you okay?" He handed me a tissue.

I snatched it and finished my coffee.

He asked me, "Do you want to tell me anything?"

That question entered my heart, but the guilt swallowed my mind. I told him, "No."

His brown eyes stared into my soul.

Then I said thanks to them and walked towards the entrance. At that time, I decided that I would never come here again. I can't bear this guilt. I am very selfish.

Then suddenly, I was pulled by someone. It was none other than Amiro. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Hans, you are leaving again without saying goodbye."

"What??? How did you...?"

"Do you think I am stupid? On the first day, I figured out that you are a woman. So I wanted to know your intention. If you were harming my precious cafe, I would kick you out, no worries. But you aren't. Then I figured out that you are the famous reporter. Then you didn't even say goodbye properly to us, and now you're doing the same thing again, Hans. You are so selfish."

He stared at me angrily. Behind him, I saw Martha, Ameya, Lara, and other friends of mine. This indicated that they also knew the truth about me. I felt so bad about my own actions, and tears rolled out of my eyes.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to. Forgive me," I burst out. Then suddenly, I was hugged by Amiro. "It's okay," he told me. I cried loudly on his shoulder. Then Lara, Ameya, and Martha consoled me.

I spent my time with them. It's Christmas after all. We all talked about a lot of things. I explained everything I did. They understood and forgave me. I couldn't believe Amiro was the one who drew my picture. I looked at Amiro and saw him looking at me intensely. It felt so different. We cut the cake and celebrated. While everyone was enjoying, I couldn't find Amiro with us. So I went to look for him. Then I found Amiro enjoying the snow. I walked towards him. He saw me and waved at me to come closer. I rushed towards him. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Well, Reporter Hans, do you feel better?"

"Huh, stop calling me Hans, Amiro."

"Oh really, then what's your real name then?"

"It's Annabelle."

"Anna, I want to ask you something I've been wanting to ask for a long time."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Ehhhhhh, I was shocked to hear that. I looked at Amiro, and it looked like he was serious. I was frozen for a moment. It was like my mind was in a chaos of happiness.

Oh, hello! He waved his hands in front of my face.

Well, I...

Yeah, I can see you didn't see that coming from me, hehe~ he began teasing me.

It's like he was joking. He laughed at me.

I stood there like a fool, feeling deep confusion. But soon, I felt angry.

"You..." I shouted at him. I saw that he was teasing me. I rushed towards him.

"I will punish you!" I shouted at him.

"Oh, really? How?" he mocked me.

I rushed towards him, then I pulled him towards me. I kissed his lips softly, then let him go.

"It suits you," I smirked at him.

I saw Amiro's face and ears turn red.

Woohooo... Suddenly, I heard a whistle sound around us. It was our friends.

I panicked and looked at Amiro.

Amiro still hadn't come out of the situation.

I shook his shoulder. He looked at me.

Then we both smiled together.

"I guess that's a yes for my question," he told me. We both burst into laughter. Our friends also teased us for being together.

Well, from that day onwards, Amiro and I started our own love story, and the next Christmas, we got married. After Christmas, we had a baby.

While I was taking care of her, I asked Amiro again...

"One cold coffee, please, my hubby."

"Yes, honey, it's on its way," he ditched the crowd and rushed to make cold coffee for me. While sipping it, he teasingly asked me,

**## "**Do you love me or my cold coffee?"

"Both, mostly I fall for your cold coffee," he pouts. "So cute, hubby," I pinched his cheeks. We both laughed together. Still, his cold coffee was fragrant with vanilla ice cream, mixed together with coffee. It's like we were destined to be together.****

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