

So the whole story starts with me and my group of friends going on a trip to himachal Pradesh. I don't know how many of you readers have been to himachal Pradesh but believe me it is a heaven on earth and it can easily compete Switzerland in case of sneak beauty(I can say that as I have also been to Switzerland). So now let's introduce you to the characters of my story.......Vivek the software engineer and the nerd of the group, Pervesh the gym instructor and the big guy, Sohail the educated unemployed and the pervert. so we started off our journey from delhi airport......as we took a flight. It took us almost 2 hours to reach our destination. when we found our booked hotel we decided to firstly bathe then have some momos for lunch then go off for our sideseeeing. But Mr Nerd Vivek said,' what the hell are you talking about........I am not going to have those unsanitised street momos. I am carrying my own cornflakes and I will order some milk and I am definitely not going for any side seeing after having my food...... I need 2 hours of sleep after lunch, my body is in a system'. now you know why we call him a nerd. so we decided that three of us will go out leaving that sloth in the hotel.
After freshening up we went out had our lunch and found a guide who will help us for our side seeing. We went to some temples and view grounds then between our conversation Chiching Bhatia our nepali guide said' sir I can take you people to a sage....... a aghori baba(aghori babas are spetial hindu sages who are believed to carry spetial spiritual powers and some of them are belived of being cannibals) who can tell your past and future easily. but you have to pay me an extra 100 rupees'. Me and Pervesh readily agreed but Sohail didn't have a belive in such things so he denied but after much requesting he agreed.
The sage was sitting inside a dark cave, ashes on his body, sparkly eyes and half naked. By just having a single glance at us three he pointed toward me and said 81 then towards pervesh and said 76 and then towards Sohail and said numbly '26, only a minute remaining'. we were confused and glanced at Chiching......he was looking pale. I asked,' WHAT IS HE SAYING CHINGING?' Chiching said in a pale manner,'he is telling you sirs at what age will you die but in case of Sohail sir he says he will last a minute and now 30 seconds!!!'. This words worked like a viagra for Sohail.......he jumped up and charged toward the sage shooting,'YOU FILTHY ANIMAL, SON OF A SLUT, I WILL BREAK EACH OF YOUR BONE AND TEAR OFF YOU TESTICLES........AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!' but before he can spell out rest of his words he could not keep his balance and feel down on the trishul which was kept at the side of the sage(trident is called trishul in hindi which is carried by many sages in India)which went through his heart..... he jumped on Sohail for rescue but it was too late. in between this tantrums I noticed the sage has vanished from his seat lost in the world of unknown.