

Internal Insights
Tired from the tsunami of thoughts inside me, I decided to sit still and breath. While breathing, a couple of thoughts clicked my mind like it wanted me to leave everything and focus on them. I immediately closed my eyes and focused on those thoughts. While I was going through all the negativities inside me, I instantly asked myself,
"Is my life worth regretting or is it so bad that I only have negative thoughts about everything?"
I knew the answer and it was a no, we always have alot of situations where we can generally be happy without any reason but we still choose to remain unhappy because that's what we've decided in ourselves. We all have those little happiness in our lives which we sometimes ignore or we just refuse and run for a more bigger event to get happy on. But we forget that the more we run for happiness, the lesser we'll have it in our lives. So it's necessary for us to live all those small moments too where we can have happiness or else we'll always end up crying for more and one day we'll end up dying with only regrets in our lives.

© Sakina