

the journey of self belief
There are times when we doubt how far can we go. When we fall into the comfort of comparison and diminish our self-worth because of not being enough for the world.

But what exactly is enough? Is being enough for the world a testament to how worthy we are, of our journey or is it a mere perception of the people who want us to conform to their level of understanding?

We often dull our shine to let the sparkle of someone else’s joy remains kindled. By doing that we fool ourselves into being kind and compassionate. On the contrary, the reality is that we are scared. Fearful for what they might think, of how we would be perceived if we took too much space.

Let me tell you it is okay to be loud about what makes you happy. It is your responsibility to celebrate every little win you achieve.

Life is an uncertain ride that plonks in misery and the next moment joy shows its presence through bits of sanguinity in the hopefulness of tomorrow.

I am learning to live life as it comes and be proud of my journey. We all should have pride in how far we have come and hold faith in how far we can go. Everyone is on a different journey and your individuality is what makes you uniquely you.

I am sharing with the hope to remind you that no matter where you are in your journey, be proud of how far you have stridden on the path of life.

In celebration of your journey in the hard climb,
I hope you hold pride in every victory of your one endeavor at a time.