

Rising Dead 30
Early in the morning ....

Stone quickly came from bathroom after he took shower and started getting dressed , after few minutes he worked his black suit and picks his backpack and black katana

And comes out of the room and saw in hall Kelly and Kiara already heading out

He quickly followed them , as they came to exit of apartment Stone came close to them but both girls didn't said anything

After one hour of walking and killing few zombies they stopped in the small parking lot

Stone said as he trying to break silence " So about that letter "
Kelly looks at him but Kiara just sitting on ground and closed her eyes

Kelly said " it's order from Leader of long clan to capture Kai alive "
And Kelly looks away

Stone said " Alive , why they want to catch him_" but suddenly he stopped and looks at the ground and let's out " Shit , shit " and started walking back and forth in anger

Kiara quickly looks at stone , Kelly looks at Kiara and said in the ears of Kiara " what happened just_" but Kiara quickly said " I don't have good feeling about this " and she gets up and said " what it is tell me ?"

But Stone ignored her completely and said to himself " Kai you idiot , I'm going to kill you for sure " out loud

Kelly and Kiara looks at each other
Kiara again said " " please tell me "
Stone looks at her and signs and said
" I know why they wanted Kai alive "
Kiara looks at Stone in wide eyes and stores forward

Kelly said " tell us " Stone said " they want Kai maybe because of that damn antivirus "

Kiara said " antivirus ? " In questioning look on her face Storm said " yeah on our last mission our Official gave orders to retrieve the some viruses , but one of our team members betrayed us and locked us in that deadly infected lab "

Kelly came close to Kiara and said " one of you betrayed him " in serious tone

Kiara closed he eyes and said " then what happened " as he guesters Kelly to stop talking

stone said " after entering that lab we separated in two teams Kai and Gabriel , me and that traitor Ivan " as he said Ivan word loudly and in angry changed expression

" Ivan locked me in lower floor and Kai and Gabriel to some big lab , I somehow managed to escape but Ivan captured me but again and I escaped "
Stone said as he leans on wall and closed his eyes

" When they captured me they said they wanted me alive because , Kai and Gabriel had some antivirus" stone said as he sits on the ground

Kiara and Kelly looking at Stone but said nothing " Gabriel saved Kai sacrifice himself ..."As stone said he falls silent

After few minutes of silence Stone said again " I don't know where is Kai now .."
Kiara said in serious expression "Long clan is in involved in this right , then I know where we have to go " and then Stone gets up quickly and they nods each other and they started heading towards the Headquarters of Long ........

After 3 days

"We have get out of here " Kelly said as he decapitated one zombie and jumps back towards Kiara

Kiara didn't said anything she just fighting furioussly cutting hands and legs of zombies and then killing them in instant

Stone is sleeping on the Big van and looking at them as they fight with smile

They are fighting in the middle of the road , Kelly said " hey why are you still there come here and help us already " with loud voice

Stone said " I already told you little Kelly , if only your cute sister asked for my help then I will help you " with smile

Kiara looks at him and said in inaudible voice " Dream on "
Kelly started swinging her green katana towards two of the zombies and said " Sis please "

Kiara said " No " and runs towards the girls zombie and stabs her in her stomach and then with ease she pulled upwards from the shoulder of the zombie , as zombie dropped on ground she jumps on her face and smashed her skull

Stone said " violent , and beautiful " and smirks and jumps down from the big van and started walking and jumping on the lying corpses

And said " You two girls alone killed more than 20 zombies alone , not bad " as he looks at Kiara , Kelly sitting on the ground looks at Stone and said " you are coward " in angry voice as she breathing heavily

Stone looks and her and said " And you are still a child "and winks at her
She quickly let's out " you are dead man " and she gets up and started walking towards Stone but Kiara said " Stop fooling around Kelly " as she wipes her red katana with one of the zombies clothes and gets up and looks at Stone without expression

And walk past him and said again " we have to find shelter for night " Stone turn back and started following Kiara , Kelly looks at them both and runs towards Kiara and started walking beside her and turns back at Stone and As stick her tongue out and again looks ahead .....

Stone smiled and shakes his head and started walking behind them ..

" It's really hard to open it but ...." Kelly said as she opening a lock of the abandoned house
" Yes " again said and push door inside and looks back at Kiara and stone with big smile on her face

But Kiara didn't said anything and Stone just said " If I were in your place then I would've opened in 10 seconds " Stone said as he walks past her in the house

Kelly tried to control her anger but after she followed Stone in the house she punched him in the hand and said " next time it's your turn Mr show off"

Stone looks at her but said nothing
Kiara examine house and said " it's already empty , no signs of infected " and looks at rooms and started heading in ...

Stone jumps on his new bed and started rolling side to side and said to him self " My beauty sleep "
Kelly looking at him from the door and said " now who is child Mr show off " and started smiling

Stone looks at her and picks up pillow and throw at her and said " Childrens is not allowed in my room "

Kelly cached and quickly throws back him and said " I'm not child "
Stone said " keep telling yourself " and gets up and started heading towards her and she is looking at him

Stone came close to her but she is looking at him angrily , but after she saw Stone is only few inches away from her she quickly steps back as her face became red and said " what are you doing ?"

Stone smiled and said " see you are a child" and closed door on her face

Kelly looks at the door and thought in her mind why he suddenly came close to me , what he is trying to prove this guy and then she said to herself " Stone now we will see who is a child " and smiled and runs towards her room up stairs

In the night

Kiara is standing close to window looking out of the house at the sky stone came close to her and stand besides her and said as he looks out " Looking at the moon "

Kiara didn't said anything she just looks away , Stone chuckels and said again " so you are really Kai's fiance " without looking at her

Kiara looks at her and said " yes " as she looks at floor , stone again said " care to explain what happened back then ?" As he looks at Kiara

Kiara didn't said anything , stone said " we are traveling together for 4 days and you still don't want to __" but he falls silent and turns back and started walking towards his room

Kiara looking at the floor without a word but she said " it's really hard ....."
Stone stops and looks at her

Kiara started taking " My father was a master of the ninjustu and he has three childrens including me , Kuo and Kelly " as stone heard her words he came close to her slowly and stands beside her

Kiara said again " when Kai arrived in our ninjustu , he were a seven with his father they were hiding from someone I don't really remember who they were hiding from but his mother was killed by them , that's why his father decide to leave Kai in our ninjustu for his safety " .............

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