

Narrow chapter 11
Three months had passed since Victoria's death.

i found it hard to cope with the loss. I had so many 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' in my mind.

Every thing seemed to have gone back to normal.  the sadistic rumours about the 'suicide girl' had stopped.it was somewhat of a relief. I thought the nightmare was ending that victoria was finally asleep, but i was wrong. I was dead wrong.

I laid down on my bed, recollecting past events,lying in the balance between sad and happy i close my eyes for warmth.

Suddenly i heard a loud scream it  was from the 4th floor, it came from Ria's apartment.

I came out of my room in nothing but my pyjamas. I was about going down stares when i saw people running downstairs the sound of sirens send down a message through my spine.

A message i never wanted to hear again.

I ran down the stairs panicking ria had changed recently she regretted what she did to victoria, she understood the pain she felt.

When i got out of the apartment i saw what i never thought i would see,it was ria lying on the grounding drowning in her very own pool of blood.

i swallowed.

As fear sought to devour me alive,the ground held me tight making movement impossible. I felt something,a sort of warmth,it was coming from above me. I looked up as i silhouette began walking away.

I wanted to scream but silence had covered my lips my eyes widened as it struggled to speak.

What ever killed her knew me, this warmth reminded me of something, no someone,someone I never thought it would.

My eyes widened as the thought came to my mind.
