

Do you want to live because you are afraid to die?

"I want to live because I'm dying."

She said it calmly like the gentle wind caressing my cheeks. Then, with the small amount of energy she gained from sitting down, she ran around me, again. Laughing in that saccharine sweet melody I have never grown tired of after years of being with her.

The light from the setting sun bounced against her pale skin making her glow like an ethereal being. Sand stuck to her ankles, wet from the lapping waves of the seashore. Her hair flew behind her in smooth waves and her eyes shined so bright, so dazzling like the stars scattered through the wide nightsky at night.

I don't want this moment to end.

"You're falling in love again." She grinned at me and I wagged my head because—yes, she is right.

I am falling in love again. It hurts.
