

Chapter 5: Who the hell is "He"?
A knock on a door. Someone I've never seen before.

His was taller than me and more muscular.

Raven shoulder length hair in a pony tail.

Piercing blue eyes and a light stable on his chin.

If I was into men...
This guy would be my type.

"Come in"
I uttered in a confident voice and gestured for him to sit down.

"I don't know you
and I'm the one who does the hiring in my company."

I said addressing the elephant in the room.

I can see how he got pass security, his three piece silver suit looked amazing.

So does his hair and he smells like aqua and forest all at once.

"My sister works here, I thought I would come see where she worked."

Said the gentleman in a deep dreamy voice.

Who is he trying to seduce with that tone of voice?

It can't be me!

"I'm Eastern Halls, Venice Halls' older brother."

Said Eastern
as he reached his hand forward prompting me to shake his hands.

Damn this is a real...