

Night of the living dummy (Part one)
Chapter One
Somewhere in the middle of a small town where the population is 100 - 350 people. There was a young boy by the age of 12 his name was Carter Palacio. He never really like the out doors, so he never went outside therefore not having any friends. He was called names by the other kids they threw rocks at his windows to scare him and even bullied him for being homeschooled. One day for Carters brithday his grandpa got him this really old type wrighter his grandpa left a note with it saying that it was no ordenarie type wrighter. Carter really didn't know what to do with it so he put it on the desk in the corner of his room and looked out side the window to see what all the noise was outside. The bullies where back and this time with party hats and party popers they had told him to come outside and that they had a party gift for him. He grabed his coat and walked outside it was a fairly cold day but that quickly left his mind when a huge jug of water was dumped on his head. He ran back inside took off his cloths and dryed himself off. He was so mad and he couldn't beleve that they would do that to him then that anger was filled with longlyness because he couldn't go to anyone for help. Then he remebered the type wrighter, he sat at his desk and began to type away.