

You always remained in that every
I wish I could have " phase of my life
"I wish I could have talked to her atleast once"
"I wish I could have tell you " how you just glance at me and my heart just goes out of control ! (and a lot)etc etc....
(I wish's)
out of the these i wish's may be one may one, if I could have said or done
my feelings would have never left unsaid,
you may not had been my partner, but at least you would have known what I feel for you.
if by staring at someone all the time could tell how much we like them
I spent most of my college days turning behind just looking at the back bench for you and at you !!

I should have said a " hi " to you atleast once in that whole time
you might have also waved back a
" hi " (may be)
innocent heart feels shy for that too

All my friends have known how much I admired you "
they used to write your and my name on ours desks I used to rub it every morning, though I didn't wanted to
and now I regret I shouldn't have rubbed them, may be by mistake you could have seen that and talked to me
(my innocent heart just felt it's wrong)

I used to recharge my phone with 300messages pack to talk to you even if I know you will never text,
but I used to spend all those 300 messages talking to my friends asking "what to talk to you " and only talking about you

do you remember your birthday?
All of my friends calling me with your name, wishing me instead of you and I still can sense feeling of touching your hand that day,
you walked a little front later, turned back, smiling at you friends and going back your own way, I remember everything the exact way it happened
(everything) "

even now if I see you my heart just feels like it wanna jump out of my chest"

and this feeling is constant "
even if you turn 60 years also............

"some things are just way too beautiful, just the way they are!!