

Abandoned to Death
A figure appeared in the darkness: in the gleam of the moonlight, it was clear the figure was holding a knife. As she stared the figure never moved. You couldn't see a breath come from it, as it was winter so everyone day or night looked like smokers when they exhaled, even with mandatory masks we had to wear. She giggled to herself, and told herself she was such a nut, she has walked through this alley every night after work. She bravely kept walking, she told herself don't even look just look ahead and keep walking, but the tip of the knife grazed her coat and she screamed. She grabbed her phone already in her hand, activated the flashlight app. Her eyes could not believe the horror. A man with his upper back face slouched over and short petite woman with a covid mask on had sword, a f***ing sword through her chest. It looked as if she was trying to hug him, but as she was snapping photos she could see to small knives were in his kidneys. She called 911. The man looked familiar everyone does when you work at a bar every night for years. The police officer arrived and just calmly walked down to where she stood and just stared at the dead people with a face of observation, but then a "Holy Crap!", suddenly escaped his mouth, which made me jump. He turned to ask, "Ma'am did you see a struggle or anything or was this how you found them?" She quickly answered, "No Sir, this is just how i found them". "Did you touch or remove anything in this area?', "no sir the tip of the sword snagged my coat and it scared me, so i looked and I just called 911." Then he asked "Do you recognize this the man?" She explained how everyone looked somewhat familiar cause of my job around the corner at a bar, he chuckled and from the womans back pocket he slipped a card out slowly with gloved hands and under his flashlight, "How about Sadie Jodan Anderson?" "Yes! That is why I had to come work tonight, because they were under staffed, it was only her second night." "But officer who is this old man?" "He smirked and said well this is now our former President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Thanks to Sadie she impeached the shit out of him, before he got a second term." We both smiled in relief, but as the remainder of the emergency, and crime scene detectives arrived, he told her to go home and get some rest and call if she needed or remembered anything and handed him his card. He called out to his partner Officer King and told him to please escort her home safely, but back up and go around this is a crime scene. "Yes Sir. I will be back as soon as shhe is home safe." As they drove not a word was exchanged. except turn left and then right here on left with steps. He got out and opened the door for me, as she walked to the steps, she turned back and he was still there. "I am good Officer King." "oh no ma'am not til you are inside and i see you turn you lights on, if you don't mind can you flash your light 3 times so i know you are in safely?" in her head she kept thinking should she tell him she was my roommate for about 2 weeks now, but she walked flashed the lights and he was gone. She knew of her obsesssion with killing him she had it all over her walls in her bedroom. She thought she was nutty but i did help to perfect a few flaws in this plan. It seemed like a game. She asked her one night, if she could kill someone who would it be and how? Come on, Sadie pleaded. "Brad Pitt, wait no Tom Cruise!" It was really entertaining, then she said Trump. She smacked her forehead and said, " Can I change mine to that jack ass too, squishy cheetoh looking lying ass of a human waste?" We Both rolled on the floor and laughed til tears came from our eyes. Then we made the plan, but this was not close to the plan this was way the hell off course, she was still suppose to be alive.
She sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. "Donald J. Trump had another child whom he never mentioned, she was hidden and forbidden from a woman he was commiting adultery with on his first wife, she supposedly died after her birth, which is now under investigation, she was quickly adopted....I am sorry to interrrupt but we previously were concluding that she murdered him, with the knives to his kidneys, but it has been confirmed she was stabbed first through the chest and kept walking towards him as if to hug him. She knew, im sure of these little pocket knives he carried all the time." I screamed into the pillow, and to myself asked sadie why the sword, where did the sword come from? And to my surprise the newscaster answered my question, "Oh he was meeting a man at The Guillotine Bar to purchase this supposedly unique sword, but we believe it was staged by Sadie." Now Katherine can you believe he took an Uber, which doesnt even exist anymore for over a year. And his Uber driver just happened to be Sadie, our President thinks he was invincible, unsupervised, taking an uber, and not wearing a mask, what a way for the skeletons in that big ass closet to come out and take care of business. this was obviously premeditated, but not murder I believe she just wanted to connect with him?' The car was gone before the original witness called into 911."
The phone she needed to find Sadies phone, there are videos, pictures of us, the plan. She opened Sadies door and everything was gone except a picture of us and a note was taped to the back. It said, "well if you are reading this I AM DEAD and hopefully my target is too. Brett the 'swords dealer' will bring the car back to you tomorrow afternoon, he is actually an auto detailer. the car is registered under my adopted family name which is my legal name Connie Lynnberg. She explained to keep the car no one would be looking for it and i already transfered title to you which could be on your dresser. He posioned the water of my whole town and so when i came home from summer camp my entire world was gone, but my mom told me who my real father was and she knows he was her target but instead he got 107 other people. She ran to my room to grab her laptop and start researching, and tears and a lump started to ball up in her throat.
A loud knock comes from the door, the sun was up already? "It is Brett." I opened the door. "Here are the keys to the car and both phones, I removed to tracking software so once you turn them on no one will see its location." "Thankyou"as i began to close the door. He handed me an envelope. "She asked me to give this to you if she didn't come back, oh and i didn't erase anything off the phones, so you might want to listen and look through everything, she didnt want to really kill him, she recorded everything while they were in the car and the incident with his camera til it fell out of her hands. When he recognized her, it was just heartbreaking. I have nothing to do with it, so do what you want with the information on them, Ok i gotta get home." Tears rolled down his face as he turned to walk away. As soon as she shut the door her eyes could not hold the tears and longer. she balled up like a baby on the kitchen floor and cried herself into a dream where Sadie was still alive.