

The Outbreak (ep13)
This is the continuation of previous episodes so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read.


I stood very curiously to listen about that Ancient Virus.

Bosco took an old Album of photos, he pointed to a photo and said
"This was taken on Nikon D4 camera..and it's me standing there "

And then pointing to next photo "This was taken on another day, when we went out, behind that is the Nile river"

He looked at me and said " you will be thinking that why am I telling all these stuff to you, before a war you should always know your enemy"

I was confused, anyway I asked him again about virus.

He looked at me and said .."I just explained about the virus"

I stood as a stupid there...anyway I remembered what he said and took those photos and checked it.

Suddenly he said

" I can't give you the information about that virus ...and who are you to give this information are you going to save the world from this virus ...and how can I believe you ....you just breached your own lab's firewall. You are a Data Scientist, so you know the value of data ...I think you are getting this."

When I was going to reply he took an envelope and gave it to me, and said

"This is the warning, make sure that you don't step here again "

I was shocked...what happened to Bosco

When I got out of the Museum I opened an envelope there was a paper inside

It was a letter in Morse Code.