

In Tune
Beautiful Blue skied Saturday it was. Woke up excited as if I was looking forward to something amazing whereas I was at peace with not going to the Praise and worship team auditions at church, which kept popping at the back of my mind though I ignored it as my mind was already made up, 'I have no singing talent so why bother if God wanted me to be a part of the team he'll appoint me somehow ' that was my motivation to stay and not go.

A perfect excuse to not act on my faith of being a worshiper and always imagining and envisioning myself leading saint into worship. And what's faith without action? A mere thought right?!. "Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?" (James 2:14)
So as the clock rests at 10:15 am I then start getting the urge to bath and go to church and so I did, I left the house wondering why am I even  going?! I even left my bag at home. Next thing I got to church and sat down with our Pastor as a judge and the rest of the saint whom came to audition as well.

I must really way I have no idea  how I even got the courage to leave the house in the first place, it was as if I'm being led there. There were questions to answer and some singing to be done. Mind you.. I can't sing to save my life let alone save people's souls. What am I thinking?! Then we sang as a collective, guess what? I wasn't even blending, the fact that I didn't even know  whether I sang soprano or alto wasn't helping. Which taught me that if you don't know yourself /purpose it's almost impossible to be in sink with the mandate of God for your life and those you're destined to partner with and even lead to Salvation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So now the verdict came and I was surprisingly selected to be part of the team, so we started with vocal exercises and singing practice as a choir. As we kept practising I found my tune and was in sink with everyone. And that only happened after I found  myself. Tenor is where I do the vocal things. Just as I discovered my purpose I can now be fully aligned with the will of God for my life as time goes on. As the Spirit of God leads.

If my Pastor had disqualified me at the get go like I had disqualified myself day before the auditions I wouldn't have found my voice. If Jesus hadn't died for our sins where would we be? I'm really humbled by just the thought of how giving someone or something a chance can change any situation. I've been given so many chances I've convinced myself I didn't deserve, who am I to judge and disqualify people according to my own limited reasoning capacity?. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)

Prayer: Father in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I ask humbly LORD for you to lead me  into the right path to follow in your righteous and mandate. May you block any hindrances and distractions along the way that might derail me from focusing on the purpose you have given me.
May your will be done in my life and in the lives of your children. May I remember that only you are the ultimate judge and I thank you for granting me the grace. God you're loving, merciful and faithful always.

#godsword #purpose #prayer