Yellow Ranger
Yellow Ranger was called upon. the light of Lord Zed with the ugly duckling Of Simpsons of the Macho mans Randy Orton connected the twist of Faith's and three stories flows of Domino's Pizza and Jokers Assemblies then circled around the venom Assasins of Sabin two tiger and God called upon the West wing andtook Lord Zed then they ate the Dominos pizzas and he then called the Duck Of Yellow Ranger The Green RANGER and The Blue Ranger and Pink and The Hobbit of Saint James places of Jesus which they prayed two then saw the duck just doing his Caveman swing of battling the yellow Joker's and Homers of Combat threes of Trinty part three times to the house of richie rich of then throwing the Rsnger out his windows of Yellow Ranger aftermaths lol of her singing hearts two see who won for Blue Ranger and the...