

you are my true friend
Life was always unfair to me .I really don't know how you came into my life and won over my heart . the people whom I loved the most and cared the most have abandon me .my family left me when i was born . my aunty brought me up. I had no one except her but since life was unfair to me she also left me and this World. I started to look after myself without no one support. people kept calling me illegitimate child. people start to a abuse me . one day i lost all hope in life . i wanted to end my life .coz people taunt me where ever I am , at school or madrassa , at shops or malls . people just kept taunting me . I wanted to commit suicide but than you came to my life. you gave me courage, support and love . i needed someone who would support me and you were the one who supported me. you convince everyone to support me and love me .we grew up together. we went to the same college and become friends. but since life was unfair to me you also left me and this World 😞. before I wanted to tell you that i love you you left me . But now I will tell that you are my true friend and no one can ever take your place in my life. I will always love you and make ever wish of yours came true Insha allah .
Abdullah no one will ever take your place in my heart💓
you are my true friend