

beyond the beautiful smile: count...
‘I am taking you home with me…..’
‘I am not going with you’ I countered, he looked at me wickedly,’ you are leaving with me now, I think you are depressed, you need something that id different from this place, I left him an walked back to sit on my bed, ‘ I like it here, I don’t want to leave’ came to sat beside me, I need you to understand that this change is only for a short time, if in three weeks nothing changes then I will bring you back here, and never border you again’.
'I am not going anywhere with you’ I whispered and folded my hands stubbornly. ‘look, I think you need this change this change, so please help me help you’. he picked up the chairs and fixed them appropriately, I got up and came to sit on one of the chairs making his sit on the only available one on the other side of the table.
‘ what if they find me, and kill me’ I bit my words one after the other as icy blue brown eyes watched frustrated brown ones. Sensing my fear he said ‘no one is going to hurt you, I promise you’
'I am not going with you, and I am not afraid’ I yelled at him.

Five years back………….
‘ I enjoy to hold you like this my darling’, I blushed at the compliment, James is not the type that compliment people all the time, and I wasn’t the kind of girl who got loved always, his tall nature, warrior-like body like something for the spartacus movie, James is not a soft man but he is passionate about people around him, mostly the ones he loves, he looked unapproachably handsome in his shredded blue jean making his dark to contradicting his dark skinned hard look even the customized shirt we both wore did nothing to mar his cute nature, I wondered why we are in this beautiful garden, his twin sister waved at us from the other side of this garden, she always came with James when he visited me, they do not look alike, yet they go everywhere together, even though I never knew he had a twin until about a years ago when I saw him again. ‘why does she come with different guys always’ I asked James, he smiled, she needs only one constant lover in her life and that is me’ I elbowed him and we started laughing, that outing was after we had another fight over one of his girls again, first it was Zainab, then Kenny, the this lady with a broken leg he called sweetlips, then the one who came to harass me at the mall two days before that outing.