

"You shouldn't be here." He said without looking at her.
She sat beside him anyway. She knew he was hurt. She overheard them too.
"You know, sometimes I just want to leave this place and never look back." He spoke with exhaustion. "I want to go somewhere where I can be myself. Somewhere where people won't see me as a criminal." He snorted and shook his head. "This town doesn't want me anyway."
She remained silent.
"Is that why you left home and moved here?" He asked.
She thought about it for a minute. Is that why she left? Because she felt unwelcome?
"No. I left because that place felt more like a prison than a home." Her voice cracked as she thought about how she came here to start new, how she started liking this place because of him, and how, he wanted to leave now.
'Maybe I'll go with him, wherever he goes.' She thought to herself.
They both remained silent for a while.
"If I do leave, will you come with me?" She heard him whisper. Tears rolled down her cheek as she looked at him in disbelief. A soft smile touched the corner of his lips, "There, there, don't cry now." His voice smooth as silk, he wiped her tears gently.
She threw her arms around his neck. "I will." She admitted. "You know I will."
That night they decided to look for a home, together.
© WordsOnPillow