

Is It All A Lie | Immaculately Progressed
Once upon a time in the quiet town of Meadowbrook, there lived a man named Robert Adams. Robert was a hardworking but flawed individual who always strived for perfection. He was driven by a deep-seated belief that perfection was unattainable, and anyone who claimed to be perfect must be lying.

Robert's son, David, was the embodiment of perfection in his father's eyes. David excelled academically, captained the soccer team, volunteered at the local shelter, and maintained a reputation for being kind-hearted and well-liked. However, Robert couldn't fathom how his son could achieve such greatness without any flaws.

Fearing that David was merely pretending to be perfect, resentment began to festir inside Robert's heart. He saw his son as a constant reminder of his own imperfections. Robert believed that if he could sabotage David's life and expose his supposed lies, he would finally prove that his son was living a facade.

One evening, when the moon was full and the stars sparkled brightly in the sky, Robert hatched a plan. He quietly sneaked into David's room and stole his laptop. Scrolling through David's emails and messages, he hoped to find evidence of deceit hidden amidst his son's seemingly perfect life.

To Robert's surprise, all he found were messages of gratitude from classmates, teachers, and even strangers who had been touched by David's kindness. The more he dug, the more the evidence stacked up against his doubts. But instead of finding reassurance, Robert's heart grew heavier.

Days turned into weeks, and one day, as Robert watched David's soccer practice from the sidelines, an unexpected moment unfolded. David, noticing his father's distant and strained demeanor, approached him after practice.

"Dad, is everything okay?" David asked, concern etched across his face.

Feeling a sudden rush of guilt, Robert hesitated, unsure of how to express his feelings. Tears welled up in his eyes as he admitted, "I've been jealous of your perfection, son. I wanted to prove that it was all just a lie."

David's expression softened, and he embraced his father tightly. "Dad, I'm not perfect," he whispered. "No one is. I have my own struggles, doubts, and insecurities. But I try to be the best version of myself every day."

Robert realized that his son's perfection wasn't about being flawless, but rather about living authentically and doing his best. In that moment, a weight was lifted from Robert's heart, and he understood the harm he had caused by trying to sabotage his son's life.

From that day forward, Robert and David built a stronger bond, grounded in acceptance and honesty. Robert learned to appreciate and support his son's accomplishments, recognizing that he didn't have to be perfect himself to celebrate David's successes.

As time passed, Robert let go of his own unrealistic expectations and began to embrace his imperfections. He found solace in the belief that nobody is truly perfect, but everyone has the potential to be extraordinary in their own unique way. And with this newfound perspective, their family flourished, built on a foundation of love, understanding, and acceptance.
© NightSwimThePoet