

Dabi's Villain Rehab Part 7 An MHA Fanfic
I'd been wandering the city's streets for a few hours now. It was mid-day, so not many people were out. The few who were didn't pay me no mind. I looked towards the darkened sky, before thunder boomed in the distance. I jumped a foot in the air, and the rain began to pour. I cursed mentally, running to an alley that would hopefully sheild me from the wind. A sat against the wall, allowing the tears to pour. Black rain droplets dripped down my chin, reminding me that I'd just put in new dye a few days prior. My wet, red hair fell into my face and I shivvered with cold. A gust of wind blew across my body. So much for wind protection. I curled in on myself.
Around fifteen minutes later, a man came stumbling into the alleyway. I watched him curiously, catching his attention. He stumbled to stand above me, smirking,"What's a kid doing out on his own? Get kicked out, or a runaway?" I mumbled,"Neither." He glared,"What did you say to me punk?!" I stood, walking past him,"Neither!" His fist met my throat. I fell to my knees, coughing into my hand. I examined my hand, finding crimson liquid. Lowering his face to my level, he shouted,"Watch your tone, boy!" His breath smelled potent. He was obviously drunken. I growled, standing to hold my flame engulfed hands,"You realize who you're messing with, don't you?" He laughed,"You're Dabi, but your also a reject. Obviously you're weak. I can take you on!" I smirked,"Good luck, then." I threw a single punch at him, knocking him out. One he'd hit the ground, a series of clapping sounded from behind me. I spun, my flames ignited. They suddenly turned to yellow smoke, as did any flames I tried to light after them. Three men stood in the alley's entrance. It must've been one of their quirk's. I put my hands up, braced for a fight. A sudden wave of relaxation flooded through me as the man who seemed to be the leader spoke,"You can fight, and you're cute? Why don't you join our gang?" I lowered my hands,"I'd rather not. As of right now, I hanpve heroes on my trail. I'm trying to lay low before stirring up mischief." Someone snorted from behind him,"Seems like you misjudged him, boss. This guy's a wimp." I growled,"Let me through." Their leader stepped towards me, pinning me against the wall,"I give the orders around here, and I say you stay awhile. Sound alright with you?" I went to push him away, but his lips pushed roughly against mine. I growled as he gripped my hands and held them above my head. His other hand wandered down to my waist, as he pushed his body against mine. Tears welled up in my eyes, before I blacked out.
I woke to the sound of something beating in my ear. I focused, slowly opening my eyes. I heard wings flapping as I looked up to find Keigo staring down at me,"Hey patches." I blanked, suddenly panicking. I pushed away from him, forcing him to have to land. Once we were on the ground, I jumped from his arms, turning to run. He caught me by my waist, pulling me against his chest. I thought back to what had gone down in the alley, tears spilling onto my cheek and down my chin. I reached behind me to pull up the good is added to Fuyumi's sweater. I remembered that the rain had washed most of the dye out of my hair, if not all. He held me tighter,"Hold on, Patches. Let's get back to Aizawa and Mic." I shook my head feircly ,"No no no no no." He rubbed my shoulders as I broke down, sobbing. I pushed him away,"No! Don't touch me!" He froze, shocked,"What? What happened?!" I shook violently,"Leave- leave me alone!" He stepped back, and I stood on wobbly legs. Then, someone began to him. They were humming a song that only me and Keigo knew. My mind cleared, as I slowly looked up at him again. This was my Keigo. I stared at him as he held his arms out for a hug. I ran into is embrace, squeezing him tightly. He chuckled,"Hey Patches." I cried into his jacket silently, before he spoke again,"We're going to be talking about what happened at Aizawa's house, but I'll wait until tonight. As of right now, we need to get back. Everyone's been looking for you for hours." He paused, hesitantly continuing,"Why'd you think I was going to hit you before? You know I wouldn't hurt you, right?" I murmured,"Everyone does. Why would you be any different?" He gasped,"Because I love you! Why would I ever hurt someone I love?!" I whispered, looking at him through tear filled eyes,"I don't wanna talk about it, Hawks." He visibly gulped, scooping me back into his arms before taking off.
Back at Aizawa and Mic's house, he let me down. No sooner than my feet hit the ground, someone pulled me into a tight embrace. I smelled a familiar musky smell, pushing away from their arms. Erasure stepped back,"Sorry. I was just so worried we wouldn't find you!" I flinched, stepping away from him instinctively. Hawks stepped forward, speaking to Erasure,"He's not in the modd for hugs, believe me." Erasure raised an eyebrow,"Since when is he ever?" Hawks stepped even closer to him,"I know, but I mean-" I growled, walking past him and Aizawa. He finished while I was still in hearing range,"I mean he's really unhappy." I swung the door open, catching the attention of Mic who sat at the kitchen table with Shinso. Mic jumped up, running to me,"You're back? Oh, thank the Lord!" He went to wrap his arms around me, but was stopped by Erasure's warning,"I really wouldn't do that if I were you, Mic." He lowered his arms, nodding. I stared numbly at Shinso, who seemed to have fallen asleep with an ice back wrapped around his wrist. I looked down guiltily, hesitantly walking to stand next to his sleeping form. I reached for his injured arm, grabbing it gently. Without stirring him, I began to unwrap the cloth. A rough hand covered mine, and I looked up to meet Erasure's saddened gaze. I pushed his hand away, whispering,"I need to- to see what I did." He nodded slowly, backing away from us. I felt their eyes on me as I unwrapped the rest of it. His wrist was covered in a deep red color. Possibly a third degree burn. I chocked, more tears falling down my face. I gently wrapped his wrist back up with the pack and bandage, before running to my temporary bedroom. I was happy to find it unlocked again, slamming and locking it behind me.
I walked over to the mirror built into the dresser. I slipped off my soaked sweater, examining my bright red hair that resembled Endeavor's. Then, I caught sight of the purple bruises forming on my torso and some bleeding cuts from the earlier fight. My eyes wander to my back as I turned slightly. I found old scars-reminders of my past-and more bruises. None of the cuts or bruises bothered me, except the huge black one on my neck. I realized that this is what had caused my voice to be so difficult to use at a loud volume. I fell to the floor, holding my face in my hands. I whispered to myself,"You deserve this, Touya. You hurt Shinso, so someone hurt you. An eye for an eye." A soft knock sounded at the door. I called out hoarsely,"Go away!" Erasure's voice answered,"Sorry kid. We can't do that when we know you need help. Open up, or I'll unlock it myself." A few moments of silence passed, before the door was unlocked. It swung open, revealing Erasure and Mic. I scooted backwards, sliding beside the dresser with my eyes squeezed shut and my body shaking. I felt them come closer, opening my eyes wide in horror as they knelt in front of me. I whispered,"Go away. Please, just leave me alone. I don't want to be near heroes, just let me be." I continued whispering things like this quickly, unable to stop myself. My breathing quickened, my hands felt clammy. Someone snapped in my face, silencing my quiet rant,"Dabi, you're safe with us." I began to hyperventilate, staring past them as I chocked on sobs. Someone reached towards me, and I stood abruptly. I turned to the wall I'd been sitting against, and hit it. I punched it repeatedly, as the heroes tried to calm me down. Eventually someone wrapped their arms around me, pulling me away from the wall. I was sat on the bed, realising Erasure had been the one to pull me away. He watched me carefully, before turning my hand in his to examine the bloody mess. I stared at his hands, then turned to Present Mic, who was staring at me with tears in his eyes. He had a phone in his hand, a number dialed but hadn't pressed call. Erasure followed my gaze,"Mic, you can put the phone away. I have it handled." Mic nodded, shutting off his phone and reaching over to hold his hand out to me,"Let's go get some bandages." I took my hands from Erasure, taking Mic's. This surprised them both, causing them both to gasp. He pulled me to my feet slowly, and we walked out of the room and into the bathroom a few doors down. He motioned for me to sit on the closed toilet seat. I leaned against the back, relaxing enough that my breaths were even. I closed my eyes, hearing him rummage through a cabinet. When he stopped, I felt something wet against my knuckles. I opened my eyes suddenly, surprised. Mic paused, looking up at me with a worried expression,"Did I hurt you?" I shook my head,"No I just- I'm not used to being touched." He nidded,"Okay, let me know if I hurt you." I didn't answer, instead watched him skillfully finish wrapping my hand. He stood, holding his hand out again for me to take.
He led me to the kitchen, where Erasure sat at the table with a mug. He turned to look at us, his eyes resting on me,"I assume you aren't hungry?" I thought about my options and empty stomach before answering softly,"Do- do you have soba?" He stared at me for a minute, before smiling softly,"Yeah. I'll fix you a bowl." I murmured,"Thank you, Erasure." He nodded,"You can call me Aizawa or Shota." Mic squeezed my uninjured hand gently. I looked over to him without a word, and wrapped my arms around his torso in a hug. He gasped, before squeezing me tightly. I looked up at him with tears gathering at my eyes,"I'm sorry I yelled earlier, and burnt Shinso. I- I didn't mean to hurt anyone." He rubbed my back,"We know, it's okay. Shinso should be fully recovered by morning." I pulled away from him, turning to Aizawa,"Uhm Aizawa?" He paused, the microwave half opened,"What is it, kid?" I spoke hesitantly,"That's all you have to do. I- I prefer my Soba cold." He stared at me for a minute, before closing the microwave and setting the bowl on the table. I walked over, pulling out a chair. Aizawa must've moved Shinso to his room, because he wasn't there anymore. I began to eat, but felt Aizawa's eyes on me. I looked up,"What?" He shook his head,"Nothing, you just remind me of a student of mine who-" He chocked, standing and walked into the living room. I turned to Mic as he spoke,"Sorry, be doesn't like to talk about it. A kid in his class went missing a month ago. He sees those kids as his own, you know?" I was low-key worried, as Mic sat across from me. I asked,"How do I remind him if the student?" He smiled sadly,"You both like cold soba." I stared at him in disbelief,"Really? I didn't know if anyone else that did." He sighed,"I know, it's kind of odd. But Shoto did." I dropped my chopsticks, wide eyes as I whispered,"Who?.." He looked at me warily,"Shoto? Shoto Todoroki, why?" I stood abruptly, staring at him,"You're lying! You have to be! He couldn't have-" I froze as reality sunk in,"Oh my God, he's- No no no, he can't be missing!" Mic stood, running to me,"What's wrong?" I shoved him away,"Not Sho. Please, tell me you're lying!" He shook his head,"I'm not. I understand why Shota is upset, but why are you?" I ran to the door as I felt anger swelling up inside me. I screamed out in rage, frightening Keigo who'd just landed. He rushed over to me as Aizawa erased my quirk,"Patches? What's wrong?!" I turned and pointed a finger at his chest,"You knew, didn't you?" Mic spoke from the doorway,"Of course he did, he is a hero after all." Keigo turned to me again,"Knew what?" I screamed,"Don't play dumb, Hawks!" He spoke a bit louder,"What? What did I know?!" I shoved him to the ground, screaming again,"That my freaking brother is missing!!" Mic and Aizawa gasped, as Hawks rose to his feet,"Look, Touya. I tried to keep it from you so you wouldn't go on a rampage." I whispered in his face, too angry to tell,"And you seriously think that hiding it from me would make me react any better? I'm going on a murdering spree anyways to find him, and you're first!" I lit my hands, but they vanished quickly. I spun angrily to find Aizawa not much happier,"What do you mean by brother?! And why did Hawks call you Touya?" I glared at him,"My real name is Touya. Touya Todoroki. Oldest son of Endeavor and Rei Todoroki, known to have died four years ago. Older brother of Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto Todoroki. Do you have any cluse if where he could be?" He blinked, his hair falling back into his eyes,"No. Our only lead is that he was near Covington Park when he vanished." I went wide eyes,"Covington Park, of course! Was he acting strange before he went missing?" Aizawa stared at me,"Actually yes. Now that you mention it, he was falling behind on school work, and started wearing a strange black sweater. Identical to yours, actually. That makes more sense now." I turned back to Keigo,"You're getting this right? He went to the cabin!" Keigo froze,"Wait, but haant the league-" I shook my head, cutting him off,"No it wasn't hidden enough for villains, but it is for a student." Mic intervened,"Okay, where are you going with this?" I turned back to them,"Shoto's hiding out at an old abandoned family cabin. Keigo will show you the way." Aizawa stepped forward,"What about you? Don't you want to see your brother?" I froze,"I don't think he'd want to see me. I kind of left on a bad note. But, when you get there, be careful. He'll be jumpy, jumpier than me." Aizawa sighed,"Oh boy." I nodded,"Yeah. Well, you better get going. I'll stay with Shinso and Eri." Mic and Erasure stared at me,"You're a kid too, you know." I smirked," I'm in my twenties, Aizawa. I'm not a kid, but apparently not old enough to go to prison." He stared at me,"Okay then. You can babysit." They walked away, headin towards UA to gather more heroes.


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