

Lovecling Pride Month special. 🏳‍🌈
Do everyone really accept us? There are always expections which we are forced to fulfill we are not allowed to say against it,if we do we are abounded, anonymous, shameless brat, disobeying them. Not everyones parents accept there children after knowing their sexuality.
Amber when she told her parents that she is lesbian. Amber studied in a girls school her parents thought she must be talking all this because of bad company that's why they sent her to near by a teacher they decided she will don't go to college till she stop saying that she is a lesbian but they didn't know that that teacher is actually a monster in starting days he use to touch Amber with bad intentions Amber told her parents about it but they thought she was lying and one day that teacher raped Amber. Amber parents were ashamed and was feeling guilty that they didn't believed Amber .Amber's condition was bad that teacher beated Amber badly she got lots of wounds and bruises Amber said her parents to admit her in a different and far hospital where no one knows her and her parents did that.
Amber got her private room in hospital she use to cry a lot whole time she often refuses to see her parents. Life becomes really tough for Amber but she belived that there is always a hope for light in the dark Amber was in her room like usually but unusually a girl entered in Amber's room and locked the door.
Amber : Who are you? Why are you here?
Hazel :Ah..I'm really sorry for this all but it's an emergency so please try to understand and help me.
Hazel went near by Amber settled near by Amber on Amber's bed.
Amber :What happened is there something wrong ?
Hazel :Geez you are so pretty what's your name?
Amber : Pardon me?
Hazel :Oh I'm sorry before asking I should introduce myself I'm Hazel with hazel eyes haha.
Amber :Mine is Amber without Amber eyes.
Hazel :Hahaha that was funny such a coincidence we both have eyes name .Did someone ever teased you while calling you "Amber without Amber eyes pay attention please !" haha
Amber :Haha yeah they actually did but not how you did. haha... haha.
Hazel : Haha. ..haha.
Amber :You still didn't told what happened.
Hazel :Umm I'm actually a bit sick I didn't payed attention towards my health and become sick so my mom admitted me in hospital and I actually scare from injections and doctor was about to inject me because my mom said them to do it so I ran haha.
Amber : What is your age?
Hazel (¬_¬):it's 22.
Amber :Should feel ashamed of telling it. I'm 19 and I don't scare from injections.
Hazel :Whoa you are so powerful. I will also become powerful and will go get inject now.
Hazel stand was about to leave but Amber hold her hand.
Hazel :●_●what is it?
Amber :°Д° Ah ¬_¬ I'm sorry I reacted without thinking and just reached out to hold your hand I'm sorry I don't know why I did it.
Hazel : I know why you did it you want me to stay don't you?
Amber : I think you are right.
Hazel : Umm OK I will stay after all my mother is just gonna scold me if I return now .
Amber : So you will stay !
Hazel :For you.
Amber :Hmm.
Hazel : Why are you here though?
Amber :I... um... I.
Hazel :From which city you are?
Amber :Oh City I'm from Failkan City .
I thought you were asking why I'm in hospital .
Hazel :Oo I'm sorry i made you confused and I assume from your bruises that you must be in a fight at your age I use to get lots of bruises and wound I was a real thug hahaha.
Amber :Your life sounds fun tell me about you.
Hazel :Then you will tell me about your ?
Amber :Umm OK.
Hazel :About me there is something I can tell you when I was 17 I told my mother I'm lesbians she didn't said anything to me when I turned 18 she kicked me out of the house I felt just like how a puppy felt after abounded by the owner. I didn't knew what to do I slept in a train just like other homeless people do but she shows up then my first true real forbidden love She is a Professor at University when she saw me sleeping in train she got it I'm homeless and she took me home, after knowing I'm an adult she found a part time job for me in a cafe and a part time job at a library where I use to work on weekends at cafe I use to work everyday in evening with my earnings I was able to pay for college and because I was living with her I didn't need to pay any rent. I don't know how I can't fall for her she helped me when I was in need and made me independent. When I came in my second year of college my mother came to check on me she found my address by colleagues after knowing how good I was doing my mother called me back home and she just made me shift back home she was straight after all.Honestly I'm happy with my life what can happen next there is no guess .
Amber :How you was able to accept yourself ?
Hazel :That's when I was 14 but I got the courage when I was 8. I went to a carnival with my mom but I got sprated from mom and losted at carnival. I was crying two man's decided to help me they were holding hands I said them it's wrong but they said its not wrong and it's their right they said I can do whatever if I want .They helped me to found my mom .
Amber :Wow my parents they sent me to a teacher when I told I'm lesbian and... and that monster raped me.
Hazel :Whaaat! w-what?
Amber told Hazel everything.
Hazel :That son of a witch no it's not his mother fault he is a piece of trash did you reported him?
Amber :Nope.
Hazel :What but why?
Amber :I.. it's... I'm scared.
Hazel :Hey. It's okay I'm with you.
Amber :Thank you.
Amber took a while to get courage and Report against the teacher.

Pride Month 🏳‍🌈:
An entire month dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQ voices, celebration of LGBTQ culture and the support of LGBTQ rights.
Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Transgender
Queer or Questioning

© Priya Rawat