

Under the moonlit night sky-A tale of unspoken melodies

Under the moonlit night sky: A tale of Unspoken melodies


The night unfolded in a breathtaking display of celestial beauty. The moon cast a silver sheen on the beach, and the stars shimmered like diamonds in the vast, dark canvas of the sky but for Issac, a 25-year-old young man it was a very lonely night.

He was on the beach sitting all alone, gazing at the black night sky filled with stars, in the distance with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

The lovely night broke and shattered like his heart and the stars shivered and cried for his grief. The sea joined him to share the burden and the wind tried to comfort him.

Moonlight, once a tender blessing, now draped Isaac in its silvery shroud, casting shadows on the mosaic of his emotions. The moon, a celestial mirror, reflected his heart's lament, echoing the complexities of love in its gentle glow.

Isaac, a man with a heart as deep as the ocean, found himself at the edge of the world, gazing into the abyss of a star-studded night. He was not a very talented person, but he had a steady job and most importantly a good heart. He was also a very good-looking lad.

Issac loved a person for a very long time, her name was Amelia and they went to the same college. She was very beautiful, kind-hearted and was very good at studies unlike him. She was in a high position in another company and he admired her wholeheartedly for her accomplishments.

She was now getting married to a co-worker and it was a love marriage. He knew that they loved each other dearly and he didn't even get the chance to confess to her. Issac was now regretting why he didn't do so.

If he had asked her out before him if he dared to confess to her, would her love have found him? He doesn't know and I'd doesn't matter now. She is already in love with someone.

The thought of missed opportunity gnawed Isaac's mind, disrupting the tranquility of nights. Sleep, danced just out of reach, leaving him to wrestle with the shadows of what might have been."

Behind him, there was a female silhouette watching him from a distance. She was thinking about whether to step in and comfort him or to watch him from the sidelines like she always did. She was really worried and didn't have time to think about these useless thoughts.

She walked there and sat near him, resting her head on his shoulders.

A poignant silence draped over them, an unspoken language echoing the depth of their shared emotions. The weight of unexpressed words hung in the air

In this world, no one cared for Issac more than her. She always supported his decisions and helped him.

She was always there for him, the only person who would do anything for him, his best friend Isabelle. Even after all this time he didn't know how he found a really good friend like her.

To Isaac, she was not just a friend, but a canvas of compassion, a masterpiece of sweetness that had graced his life.

She was the sweetest soul he had ever seen. Her existence was a gift to him from the world itself.

Once Isabelle was his high school crush but he didn't wanna lose their bond over some teenage hormones, so he buried his feelings deep into his heart to never lose their bond.

She slowly raised her head from his shoulder

‘ Are you okay now ‘, She asked

‘Yeah’, he replied calmly hiding his sadness


The doubt was visible in her eyes

‘Yeah, it's just that I regret not telling her about my feelings. Maybe if I had told everything our life would have changed. Maybe we could have ended up together. ‘

‘It's okay,’ Isabelle whispered, her words carrying the weight of understanding.

‘You're destined for someone who sees the universe in your eyes, Isaac, someone who cherishes you dearly”

‘I am sure ‘

‘Yeah, maybe in the future ‘

He replied, acknowledging that the future held unwritten chapters. Perhaps, in the pages yet to unfold, he'd find a narrative that embraced the unexpected, a story where the ink of change painted vibrant hues on the canvas of his life."

Isabelle listened, her heart echoing with unspoken melodies of love. Though her lips remained silent, her eyes whispered a symphony of emotions—love, pain, and a quiet hope that one day he might see her as the person who had always been there."

They didn't say anything more, she just lowered her head to rest on his shoulders, in this way, Issac wouldn't see the tears in the corner of Isabelle’s eyes.

They sat there looking at the moon but this time his eyes were filled with relief.


Isabelle called him

‘Hmmm, yes’

‘Isn't the moon beautiful ‘

She didn't care anymore as she said that

‘Yeah, it is very beautiful tonight ‘

She didn't expect that he would say that. She could only curse her for this foolishness.

(A/N: For those who don't know it may merely mean to look up and truly enjoy how beautiful the moon looks, but here it means the metaphor for saying "I love you" to the one you love, with the moon representing the love of your life. However, when you use that phrase, it'll show that you love someone or something just as your life itself)

Isabelle was desperate, she didn't want to see him sad and also didn't want someone to take him from her again. Maybe she thought she would never get this chance once again.


She called him once more, to relieve all those weight of unspoken emotions

‘Yeah, the sea, the stars, the night, the wind everything is beautiful I am okay now you don't have to say anything. ‘

She chuckled upon hearing Issac's dumb words

‘I just wanted to say’


He was going to smack her on the head




He froze, he was not a nitwit to don't understand what her words meant cause he knew these lines. He wanted to say something but his lips were tightly shut because of the shock.

‘It's been a long time, but I didn't dare to tell you about my feelings. I enjoyed every moment spent with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I know this is too abrupt but… but what if I don't get a chance to say to you anymore? I don't want that.’

‘Will you accept my feelings? I know I may not be perfect or beautiful like Amelia but I know that this is my last chance to tell you everything or I will regret this for the rest of my life’.

Isabelle blurted out everything she wanted to say at that moment. Isabelle was embarrassed but she was also afraid of losing him.

‘ Isabelle, I… ‘

He didn't know what to say, no

he couldn't find the right words to say

He was full of confusion but in the corner of his heart, he was happy. Maybe he was also expecting something like this for a long time.

Isabelle misunderstood his reply, mistaking it for rejection.

Little did she know that within the cadence of his heartbeats, Isaac had discovered a melody composed of her unspoken affections."

‘ I do not know what to say to you but thanks for loving me, for caring for me, and for telling me everything. Thanks for everything. I was also in love with you a long time ago but I was afraid of losing our friendship.

Now it doesn't matter anymore maybe all of this happened for this moment.’

In the quietude of self-discovery, Isaac's decision solidified—a choice to embrace the complexity of his feelings.

His silence was not an endpoint but a beginning, a space where unspoken realities and uncharted emotions converged."

With a gentle strength, Isaac took Isabelle's hands in his, their fingers entwining like an unbreakable one. In the moonlight's tender glow, he peered into her eyes, his eyes told her the answer she needed and an unspoken promise weaved between their shared breaths, They said nothing more. Together, they watched the beautiful moon and the lovely night, holding their hands tightly as if they would never separate.

It was a memorable night for both of them.

Gurrrrr, A stomach-growling sound echoed in the silent night breaking their romantic moment.

Isabelle was very hungry she hadn't eaten anything that day. She was looking for him everywhere.

Her cheeks became beet red, and she was utterly embarrassed. She wanted to dig a hole and bury herself there right at the moment.

Isaac couldn't hold off his laugh.


Isaac's laughter, like a sudden burst of sunlight, shattered the silence of the night. It echoed through the vastness, a melody of relief and shared amusement that mingled with the rhythmic whispers of the sea."

‘don't laugh at me’

She pouted and smacked his shoulders.

‘OK..ok I will not laugh, get up let us eat some food’

With that laugh, all of his worries disappeared and he became energetic like he always was. He stood up, holding his hands with Isabella. As their hands were held together she followed him

‘I am very hungry I think I could eat an elephant now, hehe’

Isabelle was giggling like a child like she always does when talking about eating food

But there was a twist when Isacc checked his pockets

‘Cough cough, Isabella I think I lost my purse’

Issac put an innocent smile on his face while saying this. He could have used his phone but unfortunately, it had no charge and was switched off.

Isabelle could only blankly stare at him.

This guy is hopeless, she thought

‘It's okay, the great and mighty lady Isabelle will treat you.

Well, only for today ‘

She had a smug look on her face while speaking.

Then They Silently walked together under the moon of love.




Years later, Isaac returned to the same shoreline, the echoes of that pivotal night still resonating in the sea breeze.

His heart, once heavy with regret, now overflowed with happiness as he watched his family.

He happily watched his wife and their kids playing at the sea.

‘Isabelle!! ‘, he called her

‘Yes, dear’

she replied sweetly

‘I am hungry let's go back ‘

She smiled and called out to the kids

‘Charlie, Jimmy, Christine Daddy is calling us lets go’

‘Yes Mom’ they replied at the same time

When Isabella reached him she asked curiously

‘Did you by any chance lose your wallet, did you?’

Isabelle wore a grin that could outshine the moon, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and in beneath that mischievous expression lay a revelation, a secret she held close—a key to a treasure chest of shared laughter and inside jokes."

Issac caught Isabelle's hand, pulled her close to him, and whispered into her ears


Hahaha, she giggled and hugged him dearly.

‘Well that's good news’

When she pulled her head from his chest and looked into his eyes he kissed her forehead.

In the mosaic of shared moments, Isaac and Isabelle discovered that a life imbued with love never dulled.

It was a symphony that played in the quiet moments, a dance beneath the moon that illuminated even the seemingly mundane ordinary nights into extraordinary memories."

As the waves whispered their secrets, echoing through time, their love story etched in the sands of the beach, became a timeless masterpiece—the sea's favorite.

The tale of their hearts entwined beneath the ever-watchful gaze of the moon.


(A/N:Hi guys,

One day when I was watching the reels on IG a post got my attention. It said’ One day you and your best friend will be sitting on a bench on the beach while seeing your wife and kids playing in the sea you will think, Everything turned out to be okay’ something like that. This inspired me to write this story. Also have to read the poem ‘Tonight I can write the saddest line’ by Pablo Neruda. This one also inspired me, if you have time try to read it. it's good )

Hope you all liked my craft

With love

An aspiring young writer 🖊️🖋️
© Arjun.R

#mywords #mythoughts #story #stories #storytelling #storytime #Love&love #friendship