

The death
Katherine was driving home from work. She had worked an eight-hour shift. She was excited to be heading home. She had the radio on. She was a careful driver. She focused on the road. It was a quick drive from the grocery store to her home. She came to a stop light. It turned red. She stopped. The light went green.
She started to drive. All. of a Sudan a young woman ran into her car. She tried to stop but it was too late. The young woman was flung through the air and fell on the road. Kathrine stopped and ran out of the car. She ran to the young lady. She tried to do c.p.r but she was already dead.
She took another phone. She called 911."911, what is your emergency? "she asked. "I am at the stop light on Bringham street. I hit a walker," she said. An ambulance was coming back from an emergency. They worked on the walker but there was no use. She was dead.
She appeared to be in her mid to late twenties. She appeared to be pregnant. She wore a blue t-shirt and a denim skirt. She was barefoot. Her hair was in a ponytail. The police arrived.
"I am officer Granger, this is officer Greer." he said. "she was dead on the scene. The medical examiner will need to make a final determination but I think she died of impact from the car." the lead e.m.t said.
They looked for a license. Her name was leane grant. She lived at 221 Spencer Street.
"I am going to place the driver under arrest." officer Greer said. "don't you think that that is a bit premature ?" officer granger asked. "we have a clear case of a distracted driver. "officer Greer said."are we sure ?" Granger said. "she was probably on her phone or something, "Greer said. "this looks like a suicide. "Granger said. "she could still have acted recklessly. "Greer said.
An officer was standing watch over Katharine ."Catherine Hagerty, you're under arrest for involuntary manslaughter, distracted driving, and reckless driving." Greer said. granger slapped the cuffs on her. She was read her Miranda rights. She was put into the police car. She was stunned.
Pastor matt grant had left the church at four pm. This was usual for him. He headed to his home. he did not see his wife's car. He parked his car. He got out of the car. The door opened, and his sister Jenna came out "Jenn, where is lee?" he asked. "she said she was going out to get some groceries. I figured she wanted some alone time too. "Jenna said.
Jenna lived next door. she had a son and was pregnant. her husband sold insurance. He was a deacon at the church matt pastored. Matt had a feeling something was up. He did not know why but he did.
That morning matt woke up to his alarm. leane was already up. She had thrown on a bathrobe over her nightgown. She was making breakfast. He placed his arms on her waist. She kissed him. He jumped in the shower. After the shower, he got dressed and had breakfast. He kisses and hugged the kids. He hugged and kissed leane.
She acted like herself. There was no indication that anything was wrong. They always said there I love you. She waved as he left. She was holding nina there ten-month-old. She waved too. in retrospect, it did seem final. It did seem like she was saying her goodbyes. She had disguised it.
Leane's father owned his own cleaning company. her mom was mostly a stay-at-home mom but helped out in the company. She was from a large family. leane had worked in the family company but otherwise never worked outside the home .she lived with her parents until she married matt.
Matt was the son of the pastor of the church the leane family attended. Matt and leane are the same age. The two families were very close. No one was surprised when the two began to enter into a courtship. Leane had always been shy and reserved. She was an introvert. She could be moody. She seemed to go from zero to a hundred and everything in between. Her parents hoped that she would grow out of it.
It seemed she had for a time. She took classes at a Christian college. it met at a church and was a commuter school. Matt took classes there as well. They were married after she graduated. Matt was ordained. He was called to pastor the gospel baptist church in Morrison. They had three kids, casey, Macey, and Nina.
She seemed to move beyond her depression. She was a stay-at-home mom. She was by lathe ies' ministry and children's ministry. She was very musical..she played. piano and was involved in various music ministries in the church. She had many friends in the church. she seemed like a happy well adjusted young lady.
Her first pregnancy went very well. She adjusted to being a mom. She bonded with her baby. There were no real complications. Casey was a healthy and happy baby. When Cayce turned two, she became pregnant again. The pregnancy itself went well, she suffered from post partem psychosis. She had odd visions of monsters. She had to be hospitalized. She was given medication and came out of it. She was under a doctor's care. She was in an outpatient program. Various family members or friends from church stayed with her.
She seemed to recover. It was slow but steady. She was soon back to herself. I had changed her. She seemed to be at a new normal. She did not laugh or smile like she use to. Matt tried to make the best of it.
The pregnancy with Nina went well. She went to counseling. the psychologist coordinated with her o.b.g.y.n. Nina was happy and healthy. She did not have many issues with postpartum depression.
She probably should not have gotten pregnant again this soon after nina. She I felt off. She did not tell anyone. She tried t hide her depression and anxiety. She felt like a notable person. she felt like a failure. Her ignoring it only made it worse.
Matt texted leane. She did not answer. He called her cell and it went to voicemail. Then he realized it was in the house. he had Jena and tom watch the kids. He went looking for her. He went to the store and did not see the car. He got a call from Jenna.
"hi," he said. "matt you need to come home now!" she said. He drove home as fast as he could without driving recklessly. He got home. He saw a police car. "are you mathew grant?" officer price asked. "yes I am "he said. "I am so sorry sir. Your wife has died. She was hit by a car at a stop light. She was killed instantly. The case is under investigation currently. The driver is under arrest for involuntary manslaughter. "the officer said.
Matt hugged Jenna. He started to. break down. His sister held on to him. Matt. could not believe this. In an instant, his whole world fell apart.
Katherine was booked at the county jail. she changed into a blue prison-issue jumpsuit. She had her mug shot taken. She was fingerprinted. She was put in a pod with other female inmates. She started to cry. "don't cry. They will put you on a suicide watch. You don't want that. "Ashley said.
She was not sad because she was in jail. She was hunted by the image of hitting the young lady and seeing her lifeless body. She would never even hurt a fly. The image kept coming into her mind.
They found her car. Her car was found near the stop sign. there was a note on the driver's side. In the car were a jacket and her shoes. She kept a necklace given to her by her mom. She took it off.
A closed-circuit camera near the stop light showed leane running into the car. She sped up. Katherine was not distracted. She was not speeding or driving recklessly at all.
Family members and church friends converged at matt's house. The police brought the note. Matt went into his study to read it.
Katherine spent the night at the jail. She had trouble getting sleep but did get some sleep. They were woken up fairly early. She took a shower and had breakfast. The breakfast consisted of eggs and toast..the eggs were run and watery.
She was taken to see the administration. "hello I am detective Wallace. "he said. "hello" she said. "we have determined that the victim ran in front of your vehicle. She left a suicide note in her car she parked near the lights. You were not distracted or speeding. The charges have been dropped. You will be processed out of here in a couple of hours or so." the detective said.
She was relieved that the charges had been dropped. She was glad that she was going home. She called her sisters Ashley and jammie to pick her up.
She was allowed to change into her street clothes. She was given her items back. She saw her sisters. She hugged them. "we can go get your car from impound."Ashley said."can Jamie drive it home? I don't want to go near it. "she said."of course!"Jamie said.
They got the car and went home. she had still worn her work clothes. She changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants. She asked her sisters to stay. They got a
Pizza delivered.
After they eat, they sat in the living room. Katherine started to ball."I killed her." she said crying. "Kath you did not. It was not your fault. She wanted to die. "Ashley said. "you just happened to be the one who was driving. It could have been anyone. "Jamie said.
"I know. I know. She was so. young. It's bringing back memories of Taylor. "she said. "it is for us too."Ashley said. "why did I have to be the one that she walked into? I don't know how I can get past this. "she said "kath don't talk like that. You're scaring us!" Jamie said. "I don't mean to. I am not suicidal James. I am just stunned. "she said.
The deacons informed the church. Matt told her parents. Matt arranged for the funeral. She was buried in a family cemetery next to her beloved grandfather. Matt's dad officiated the service. Matt did say a few words.
Kathrine snuck in. She came in late. She sat in the back of the church. She was the first to leave. She did sign the guest book. She put her full name. "I was the lady who hit leane. I am truly sorry. When the dust settles I would like to give my condolences in person. Love Kathy. "
She was not sure she should have written that note. She considered tearing it out. She decided to go with it. She left it go. She left it as is.
Matt saw the note and cried. He decided that he would reach out to her.
Next up matt and Katharine meet.