

The Terror of being Ignorant towards the one horror/encouraging story
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.
In a land full of dark and haunted enchantment of the dead zombies lies beneath the ground and rises up from it's grave . In the school of zombies named after Felasir, the man of keeping ghost inside a jar for a long long time. The school was built for every monsters and was quite dampened. One day, when a new student had arrived to this school. All of the others started to watch her from a distance she felt as if there were haunting her soul. The teacher Mrs. Vermiliya T.vogon asked the new student to introduce herself to everyone. She said "Hi my name's Ann Julei , I came from Clifta, nearby Toston state....And I'm a new to this school ....i would like to meet up with friends and be with them. My favourite hobbies are calligraphy writing and reading" the whole class had started to laugh and judged for her shivering voice they thought that she was an old hag. The classroom was gray and pale, it had spider webs over the corners of the ceiling. Ann sat down near the 3rd table and looked around for a while , Everyone was staring at her the whole time and she thought that it was a dream but it wasn't. The classroom was silent but one boy at particular tried to pull her hair continuously and she had never shouted because the teacher was taking the class seriously . As the teacher turned around , she saw that a boy was pulling Ann's hair. "Let go of her hair" said the teacher to the boy. He then , pulled aback his hand and judged Ann for making him to do the disturbance to her. Ann was afraid and kept her mouth shut when the teacher complained about the incident.With a trembling voice Ann had promised to the teacher that she won't do this act anymore. The next day, Ann was in deep pain as she walked with her head down and thought if she could not repeat the same mistake once again. While walking towards her classroom she had accidently hit someone on the chest with her head and the book had fallen from Kathy's hands ."Watch were you are going. you stupid brat!! You don't know with whom you are dealing with? You are just a slow learner.. haha.... .Kathy was billionaire who had a cruel mom and father inside of their house.They don't believe in poor lousy kids who don't have extra intelligence. As soon as she entered to the classroom. All of the students were laughing and gossiping about her. There was no one to help her or to cure her pain. She stood still with her head down looking at her feet wondering if she was an insane for herself. The days went by...as a wind in the cold breeze but the torture hasn't been stopped there. She made an imaginary friend named "Lusie" made from her shadow, She could talk to her everytime and everyday. She was so happy with that... As the semester began to close this time and she had passed for every subject and got a good grade . Mrs. Vermilla appreciated her for her great attitude and the monsters from the school had applaused to her with cheers of delightfullness and astonishment except for Ann's class. The whole students from the class Z-F should there watching her with jealously and anger. They had covered there faces with polite smile as if they want to fake smile just for Ann. Ann,She thought that if they had liked her. Kathy had decided to put up a plan with her gang. She started to make Ann destroy half of her life. Ann was gonna return back home until the gang showed up in the middle of the road started to beat her with the steady stick. She felt sickened, the stick was quite hard and it made her bruised with blood. They wrote the name "Ann" in a piece of paper and lighted it up on fire using the lighter and laughed like a devil. "Sorry, loser this place is not meant for you.....hahaha" while hearing this Ann hardly gets up from her knees and beaten one of the half human zombies to death. Even Kathy had to get what she deserved. Ann did the name thing to her as well and said "Don't think that silent people are weak and loud people are strong , Everyone is unique in their own way and people should appreciate it....Unless, like you Kathy the one who always think of being materialistic things or dreams it does'nt stay forever for the rest of your life.... It's not me ... You are one who's INSANE ". Kathy ran away with humiliation after hearing her words. Ann stood up even though she was having bruises all of over her body.
She slowly walked to her home and slept in deep silence . She had ignored the who had disturbed her in her class hours, still the pain was inside of her dreams. The laughter of her classmates has haunted her sleep before. But she felt happiness once she had fought back the pain. The next morning, She sat down in her chair at her home and talked to Luise as she asked her "What would i do after school?"
"You could go for a publishing your book if you want to or you can give your drawings through the streets nearby....."said Lusie to Ann. "Thanks for your advice, you are the best ". They embraced themselves with hugs and laughter. Ann was gratefully for her great attitude and determination of being a writer at the age of 19 and everyone liked her first book "Iqua, the Gothic Girl" and girls on street started to dress up like her character with hilarious laughter and joy. Ann was delightfull to see her book that broadcasted on Television channel called "IXionLit" and was happy to hear that . She was sitting on the chair and started to sing merrily with a silly humming tune. At the end she started to smile light heartedly.That's the story!!
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