

The Hello Man Chapter 14
The Hello Man arrived at a dark place, a place full with evil souls. The ground there was made of sand, but not ordinary sand, dark dimensional sand. There was no wind, but there was well dark clouds, with no rain. Instead there was some kind of dark fog around the place. There wasn't any living creatures in sight, well except for dark demonic spirits. It was very quiet. The gateway portal closed behind The Hello Man. He walked forward. After 3 days of just walking The Hello Man reached a huge dark palis. The Hello Man noticed that there was only one way in the palis and that it wasn't even locked, but instead it was open. So The Hello Man walked in and saw a bird like demon figure. The demon asked The Hello Man who he was in a deep dark creepy voice and The Hello Man replied his name. The Demon then said, “So you're the great champion who nearly destroyed The Spirit Realm, well to be honest you don't look like a fighter at all, maby a slasher, but no fighter.” The Hello Man then asked, “How to I get to Earth”. The demon replied, “Oh yes Earth, that miserable little planet in the Living Dimension. If you want to go there, then fine, but remember, there's a god looking after that planet as if it's such a great world and don't forget about that pesty humans. ” Just when the demon opened his left hand, a gateway portal appeared and then he said, “Go, go now, if that god notices my power, he will kill me.” So The Hello Man went through the gateway and it closed just when he walked in. All the sudden he stood on Earth at a beach somewhere located in Africa. It was exactly midnight when he arrived there. The Hello Man smiled for a very long while before he opened his wings and flew away, vanishing into the dark sky unseen.

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