

Why emotions aren't the perfect description of love.
Everyone has so many ways to describe love. but when we consider the types of love that people have talked about or shared.

It's something that can be very complex…..especially even though love has a command on our emotions. Sadly, most times………the best lovers part ways.

This kind of love can even occur between families and they will later feel greater hatred towards each other.

There's been a report of kids hating their parents for life and vice-vaser.

One thing that works with love most, is our brain. And love often produces a mentality, or it fits in with one, we have already.

A serial killer can also love someone, who accomplice them, in their crimes.

A person can love someone who takes care of them too.

People can love each other based on the attraction of beauty or infatuations.

(Google images) For illustration only

And when it comes to the best kind of love, we can't say it's a romantic one either, because it's the most intense one that often creates a lot of results and emotions(negative and positive).

But the kind of love people called ‘unconditional love, is what I see a lot of people often describe as the best one.

We can all agree to this. But it's not the best way to understand or achieve such love in various relationships.

We can say, it's the kind of love, God or nature has for us.

Regardless of all the wrongs and evil we do, God still loves us. And Jesus also talks about loving unconditional and including one's enemy.

But what we don't understand and why it's almost impossible for a lot of people to love in such a way, is because they see love as an emotion.

But what everybody needs to understand is, unconditional love can't be achieved with emotions.

Unconditional love is a principle you set about yourself and in your relationship with others, that creates unconditional love.

Everything about anything can experience change. But principles, are not subject to change, because they always remain and are the laws that determine change itself. So it's not influenced by changes.

If a law changes, its principle must be preserved and acknowledged.

If a relationship is involved with principles, acceptance or rejection must have been experienced. Before emotions are exchanged.(Google images) For illustration only

The whole system of everything living and none living is surrounded by laws. And the law is the application of a principle.

It's also Gods principle that makes him unchangeable. And his principles never change either. And the love he has for humanity is believed by religious people to be made with principle. And it's unconditional.

So the word unconditional is synonymical to principle.

So for me, love is a principle…….and not an obligation, or an emotional feeling that might disappear or, you might lose interest in.

Apply some principles in your life and your partners for your relationship and see how it works.

And if you date a partner that has no principles, you'll surely get hurt recklessly.

And if you're in a relationship that has no principles, you're not likely to experience the happy ever after.

Emotions can be deceitful.........or even misleading.

But principles creates an actuality that never changes unconditionally.

Emotions we experience are also made up of unbalanced chemicals in our body, and always changing.

But principles are the actual reality of our existence. and everything we do, is truthful to principles that surround our existence.

So emotions are the product of our experience. But our experience is governed by principles unconditionally.

And love is the actual principle for coexistence, unconditionally.

And emotions has done more harm to relationships than principles.

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© Donald Adeniji