

How often we stop for a while from our busiest lifestyles and sit with our family members to have a talk? And by talking, I mean about each others' thoughts, feelings and emotions. Specially those which we repress or someone else has convinced you not to say everything you feel. And trust me when I say, repressed emotions and feelings are dangerous as well as lethal that you can't even imagine.

I think those repressed emotions can definitely find their way out in an unimaginable ways. And sure it does, when it comes to our family; It can only devastate you and your trust on each other. Yes, that's the key ingredient to a healthy relationship among family members- "Trust".

Having said that, I think there are some families who still prefer living as joint family and it can only be feasible if they have compassion and trust on each other as well as every single member to contribute in the growth of the family in some way or the other. However, families of present time do prefer nuclear lifestyle, I think it has both pros as well as cons. On the brighter side, it can provide all round development by forming their own culture or nuances providing better learning environment for their new age children. Whereas, it cannot really provide an all-round development as it involves physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual together. Living in a joint family can teach the new generation children social skills, compassion, generosity, dependability, trust and many more. And I feel that these qualities can prove highly effective in every individual's work front. Especially, during these testing times of Pandemic, where every individual has certain obligation to carry on with them.

People do need to realise is that cultures or tradition are valuable, but only those which do not confine them to explore and learn new thing because 'life' itself is all about learning. If the old tradition are capable of harming any sort of growth in any individual's life that it can be perilous, then that's the time when we need to break those tradition. Therfore, people should learn to trust each other and work together to be able to move forward for the betterment of our society.

© Neelam Sharma