

Could You?
I wanted to feel alive after you've left me dead inside.
Oh Sugar, you weren't the sole accused of my murder but an accomplice. I stood there while bullets of neglect punctured my soul and the poison of self doubt ruined my body. I let myself get killed and I alone take the blame for it. But, to someone, on the verge of dying you seemed like a ray of hope and I grabbed on to it. In the rush to stay alive, I must've held on too tight and suffocated you, for you left. Left without a word or a glance, when you've asked me not to leave all along. So on the tightrope of despair and hurt I walk, above the chasm of apathy yawing it's wake, when I hear a shout.

Someone, calling my name,
Someone, asking me to look back at who I've always been but never really noticed,
Someone, wanting to free me, from my invisible confines made over the years.

So, I took a chance.
At wanting to feel alive.
And took a step, gave my hand, let a pair of lips thaw the glacier around me.

Now tell me,

Would you look me in the eye, knowing I started thinking of someone else in your place?
Would you hold my hand, knowing I felt wanted and pretty with someone else?
Would you like me, knowing I'm scared to be with you again only to be left again?
Would you take me back, knowing I had someone's lips on mine?

Could you?
After you left me hanging instead of holding.