

Ching Yao,The murderer
John, a 29 year old man was on his way to his home when he saw a stunning woman in the entrance of the bar, He couldn't help himself and approach the woman, he even forgot that he already has a wife. As he started talking to her, he realized how stunning and elegant the women was, and how she spoke with such a class .
As he trys to impress her with the fake knowledge his friend told him, she offers to visit his home, he becomes all scared and starts panicking and the woman suddenly smiles, when he asks her what was so funny she replies saying that she just remember something funny that happened to her years ago and he doesn't get the hint. "I would rather prefer visiting ur home"
"Well, it's a mess and I haven't clean it for days so I would not like that"
"It's okay then, can I know ur name please? "
"Ching yao"
"Such a nice name, who named it"
"My parents named me that after they had a miscarriage"
"Oh,i am sorry to hear that"
"It doesn't matter now, so It's fine"
As they walk, the streets are empty and it was a windy weather.
As he is about to speak to her, he feels a sharp thing through his stomach,he turns around to see Ching with a bloody knife in her hand, and before he knew it, he collapsed
The next day comes a news that a man has been found dead in the middle of the road, with multiple knife scars in his back and his chest, oh how his wife cried knowing that it was her husband that and that was how he died, while Ching lays in her sofa, tired because she didn't get to sleep the whole night,With a bloody dress in the floor.
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