

How To Write Poetry?

Poetry is not about perfection in rhyme, flow and weight of the stanzas✨🖌️🌸>< Like art 🎭 it also takes time💜✨🌷 We must never lose hope♡
🖌️🌸 Poetry is the best way to express unspoken words and untold feelings 💗✨🖌️

And as poets we all shall thrive 💓💝✨
Here are ways I follow to write up my poetry>>💞

★Write in Silence★
Write in a place you can easily think of words without any noise disturbing your thoughts cycle 💓🌹🖌️ noise can effect flow as you all know>> solitude gives you exotic and flamboyant ideas>> so also embrace your own vibe 🌹💓

★Always Write On Purpose★
Please 🙏🏻 don't write without any purpose or lame>> like just a time pass... Poetry is not a joke💕🫂 it is beautifully written when a purpose is behind💞🌸... it molds into something special 🩷😊🥰 that's the secret ingredient of my writings💜🎭💖

★Execute Your Own Style★
Don't be a copy Be A No 1 Version Of You 🫂🌼😇🪐 Show your own style and color the world 🌍 with your unique talent ❤️🌹

★Get Inspired Don't Envy★(Life Advice)
Now this is a problem that She writes better/He writes so better "Than Me" >> you have to put on display your own Unique Style💗🌹 so be inspired by others beautiful style and be on the safe side, 💕 spread love and be positive 💖😍 because they don't have what you have either you don't have what they have 💞🦋🌿 BE GRATEFUL ✨

★Listen To Your Heart★
Whenever you are writing let your pen flow on the beats of it🦋💞🌿 because it is a beautiful blessing to be able to FEEL😇🫂🌼 Expressing your heart will have you at ease❤️🌺 keep inking keep up the fire🌻💕😉

★Tackle Criticism★
📌 Self-Criticism
If you are feeling any self-critical vibes on a piece you have written 🫂💙 then try to shape it BETTER💞🍄✨ this time you are impressing You❤️🦋🍀 If this is cuz you are having LIMITING BELIEF that you can't write better>>💔💫 then you have all rights to impress yourself with a better and more cherished work of art😇🌎🌿

📍External Criticism
If any external criticism is bothering you🫂🫂🫂 don't take it to your heart ❤️😉🌼💗 not everyone will love your work and not everyone will comment positive ♥️🦋🍀
BE PERSISTENT AND RESPECT EVERYONE'S OPINION UNTIL IT DOESN'T QUESTION YOUR PRESENCE 😇🌿 Because this type of opinions are only there to keep us down the rabbit hole 🕳️🙀

★Trust Your Creativity & Practice★
Keep on writing and trust your creativity💎✨🍄 you are capable of many things 💞😉 somethings don't turn out the way you want 💕💝 but PRACTICE will make you better💐🤌🏻 and remember to "give your own touch" to everything ♥️🌼

★Not Write To Impress★(Life Advice)
Don't be a people pleaser right here🌸🩷🫂 and don't get into this thought cycle.... Is it good enough?
will it be better enough?
Just go with the free flow 💕🙏🏻💝 and don't care about the world 🌎💖🌼

★Don't Hesitate★
Don't hesitate writing your true feelings 💝🦋 don't let every feeling be fake🍀🌙🌎 be authentic about what you feel>> in this way you are making your piece of Art more NATURAL & authentic poetry is the best poetry 💙😇🌿

★Poetry Has No Bounds★
When your creativity 💎🪐 has no bounds then poetry has no bounds too🌿✨🌼 Shape your poetry in what shape you want>>💗 BECAUSE YOU HAVE GOT SOMETHING SPECIAL 💖
© DaniRhymes__🖊️🦋💞