

A loud buzzing sound woke me up. I was too lazy to move. The sound kept on ringing in my ears so I open my eyes and ascertain the direction of the sound. I squinted and I discovered that it was the alarm clock.
"It's 6am already? But I just closed my eyes few minutes ago" I muttered. But in actually fact, I had been asleep for seven hours.
I hit the snooze button and got up to go carry out my chores for the day.

I did the dishes, made sure my kids woke up and had their bath before going to prepare breakfast for everyone and pack my husband's lunch.
It's 7am and my kids, Chloe and Layla, were already ready for school. They sat at the dining table waiting. What were they waiting for? I don't remember. Regardless, I joined them at the table.

Chloe, being so impatient, had already started munching on her Rice Krispies cereal that swam in an ocean of milk.
"You just couldn't wait, could you? And you, Susan, what do you have to say for yourself?" Mike said while walking down the stairs.
I smiled and said, "You know you can stop your daughter from having what she wants. Besides, you were tardy so you can't really blame her".
He chuckled.
Looking into his hazel eyes made me want to pinch myself and wake up from this dream.

Something felt odd today but I just couldn't place a hand on it. Then I spotted it. My reflexes kicked in and my jaw dropped.
"Mike! What happened to your beard? Is the world coming to an end?" I asked.
He had shaved every single strand off his jaw. He never mentioned anything about shaving it because he loved keeping it. Now it's all gone. I guess my constant nagging paid off. I didn't like it but I didn't want him to shave it just to make me happy.
He laughed and then said, "No, I just felt it was high time I shaved. That is why I spent almost a decade in the bathroom."
I was happy that he made that decision on his own.

We said a word of prayer with our hands clasped then devoured our meals after.
It was time for my husband to leave so I gave the lunch I made specially for him and I kissed him. Also gave the kids theirs. Chloe and Layla gave him kisses on his cheeks and he left for work.

I took the kids to school, waved them goodbye and turned around to head back home when I saw my husband's speed past me. I was wondering where he was heading to in such a rush. Mike doesn't take detours on his way to his work. So where is he going to? There is only one way to find out. I would have to follow him to wherever he is going to.
After navigating through roads I have never ploughed before, we arrived at the City's Hospital. This only made more questions flood my head. Why did he follow those routes only to end up at the City's Hospital? Was Mike cheating on me? I don't know what to think right now and what not to.
I cautiously followed him to see who he wanted to meet, while maintaining a safe distance from him, so he would not notice that I was following him.

He finally got the doctor's office. He entered and closed the door behind him. I got closer to the door so I can eavesdrop on the conversation.
I heard Mike speak first,
"How are they doing? Hope they are all fine. Please say something, doctor."
"I'm sorry but your kids are dead. She is on life support and her condition is very critical. Her chances of survival are very slim. So I will advise you to save yourself the cost and end it. Don't let her suffer." The Doctor said.
"So Mike was cheating on me" I muttered. I kept on repeating the same words until rage filled my cup. I wanted to let it out but I had to wait. I had to wait for the time when I see both of them together then I would act.

I hid as Mike and the doctor exited the office and started heading towards the intensive care unit. Mike entered the room while the doctor stayed behind. I immediately followed him to confront him and his other woman but I wasn't prepared for what I saw.
I saw me lying on the hospital bed. And for that moment, I felt cold. Why am I on the bed? What happened to me? Where are the kids? Oh no! Does this mean that they are the ones that the doctor mentioned that are dead?
I called out to Mike but you couldn't hear me or maybe just maybe I didn't exist physically. I could hear him sobbing so I tried to reach out to him but I couldn't because my hands passed right through him.

I was trying to figure out why I existed despite the fact I'm lying there on the bed at the point of death. Then it occurred to me that I only existed because Mike has not let go of the memories we shared. why I was processing all this information because it was too much for me to handle I saw Mike stand up. Walked towards the life support and pulled the plug. I had a lot I wanted to ask him and a lot I wanted to say to him but that was not on my side. I had already started to fade and fade and fade until I was no more.
© Joseph22