

Growing up I have realized that the scariest thing in this whole existence is Time.
At first, you only focus on yourself, you get happy when you turn one year older, you enjoy being one grade older than your sibling, you like being treated as no longer a child.
Years pass, school ends, university starts, and then you reach an age where you stop for a while, you look around and you see that, not only you that have been growing old, your loving ones have grown old too.
You see your little brother that was crawling yesterday, has almost graduated from school.
You see your parents' hair has turned gray, as their breathtaking smile added alot of wrinkles around their eyes.

So I came into a conclusion, once a moment passes by, it will never come back again, every tiny second is so valuable, don't waste your time with being distant from the ones you love, go sit with your mother, draw a smile on your father's face, go annoy your little brother, give a call to your friend, cherish every moment you still have with them, make a lot of happy memories, because nothing is going to last, you can deny that as much as you want , but thats a fact that you can't run away from.

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