

The Values and a Social Message.
In this country or in the whole subcontinent if you see than we don't know who is a psychiatrist because a psychiatrist is not someone who look after mad people rather a psychiatrist his or her job is to recover or to bring back those people to health and enlightenment who couldn't manage to survive a trauma or they were in the middle of those circumstances where everything maybe was in front, still they weren't suppose to put forward what is the story that is ongoing with them in the background. The issue is not that we are highly intelligent, but the fact that. We are too eager to determine someone as a crack mind or we have a point of view where we think, look at this mentally disabled person. Even in your home there is a third person who don't want you, yes. They could be your relative but you have to make yourself get across to this scratchy truth that your own relatives could be that very third person, not all of them. You still, you have the ability to do one thing which is only placed a few people close to yourself. Educated people these days are making sure that they in actuality are educated fools remember. There is no mad or crack personality out there, it's we who impose cooked-up logic and disrespect this life because we are so backward when it comes to make a communication because we are argument makers. So be a psychiatrist who makes you walk to the direction instead of proving that you are a gone case. It is a social message for this Horrendous and Distressful Society. Mentally handicapped people said they are Educated your College only provides you a Degree and you left over the values in education.