

Thoughts Season 1 Part 2
Just can't believe that I'm worrying right now...... something I hated doing..... I never like worrying about things because I felt that I had no problem since Christ Jesus had dealt with all my problems on the Cross 2000 years ago..... Therefore, I normally worry less and trust God more..... But right now..... I can't think of anything than wondering WHAT'S MY NAME? I've still got no idea.. I seriously don't get it..... I can remember some things about the past like....... when I first experienced my most thrilling and scaring adventure...... I was kidnapped about five Years ago.... I was just 16 years old then..... Wait a minute, I can remember my age yet I can not still remember my name..... How weird is that? Pretty weird, right?. Of course, it's really weird.... Why on earth would I forget my name.... And obviously what happened last.. I can't still remember. Honestly, I'm still standing here in the midst of this dark environment with no single trace of light. How weird is that? Honestly, How did i get here? Well, As I was saying...... Hmmmm.... I think i can remember... wait..... hmmm..... Seriously, Am I losing that memory now.... No way! I can't forget that experience..... no I can't....... Yeah! I've got that memory back......It all happened this way........