

best friend murder
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.so as I came to I thought about it why am I holding the bloody a knife in my damn hand could have been two reasons the person that hit me I stab them cut them or I protect myself and I blacked out and I hit my head and truth be told I don't know why don't know but I'm going to get to the bottom of it so as the story unfolds Keisha lived in the house Michael Tom in KY where everybody was on vacation except for me and Ky Disney girl you know he's little preppy boy .momma white Daddy's black me my parents you know black lol ...but anyway so we stayed home me I'm a lesbian stud I'm 33 years old you know he a guy atypical low light skin long hair guy but that's my best friend you know we grew up together in the city of San Pedro I'm in telling my side of it I first moved out to San Pedro and nothing but dirt and a 7-Eleven in the gas station Chevron but as I got to know some of the things I got to know the neighborhood watch it grow and learned I met KY but I meet him when I tryeid checking in San Pedro high school but I was already 18 year's old but hey if I would've been a little faster but I never stop trying to get a hold of me but yeah Trip me ot right so here you got me posted on they're school gronds but I see everyone going to calss so now I just Rome around for just a lil while longer q them anymore because I was trying to ride my ass and I just caught on to it and I approached them and I remember who he was he was the same dude from up there at San Pedro high who the my boys was trying to you know do racial actions to and I had his back he noticed how I had did that is how we met but what I didn't no was he was Saturn about his friend ship I never received any response from him as if he would ever do anything to hurt me well I thought I new him but I was wrong because when he said before he lets some one come his life he would fuckem off but then he turned and said he was just playing but I had got this guy busting feeling but maybe I was wrong but anyways while the rest of the crew is on vacation it was just me him for that weekend so we had the house ourselve so we had a party just a Little Rock 🌟 party 0l) and it turned out to be a little more than what we are used to do to the fact that I was not able to make it out at the moment but trust me it's my and me pilot his new friends and cat that's Short for Katherine but and yes it's was just us cleaning up I ask where did it go they all look at me like more is need to be Said but I don't know if I what happened I asked to hey all said you had a fight with my nigga my I'm like what it started to make cent's to me that nigga was on something I think or he was actually thinking about trying me I looked at the moment like this is me bro I don't fuck with you and I don't like men are you feeling good I Am the punk but he just wasn't stoping but I got that punk off you I'm like cuz get the fuck off me crim you buging you now need to keep your hands off me what makes you think I could get down like that bro you got that I walked off he looks like he is mad at me for that I see my boy jac he can to my house party some of the girls I new form back the. came everything was pop inn so one of pilot new friends have my drink and I take it down so after that I was doing my thang on the dance floor and I feel like I'm spinning but I still cool I dance-off and upstairs and get a Lil air and before you know it I'm out but no all the way and I hear someone else says man I gave her a lot so if you want that almost everybody can she won't any who and how she got a baby what makes you want to go about it this way. I know what's up she won't and I no because I try... I must've just got one of those o shit hits because he ran out of the house and my house so I ask. the nigga you was going to be a bitch and do me by the time I got to the room door I see him almost in that if she hadn't been fucked already but I see and know that it was done or die and he chose to die and that's why and how I woke up with a bloody knife in my hand smcclenton #WritecoStoryChallenge