

A Romantic Revenge part -3
GURUKUL -A pair of wings to your dreams .
Combine are the ones who study music and dance as a combination and probably found group of band artist. Who make their own song and chirography)

"Juline  shut your big mouth."

She put her index finger in her lips and made a pouty face ,looking leftside up . Kuhu almost laughed at her.
" Now pay attention because what ever stream you are from English is mandatory to make it with flying colours. So where we were , the voice..........."

Kuhu is taking a stroll of the class while listening to voice change monologue. which is already at her palm. The view of the class more exciting than the outside beauty of the school . Some so called front benchers are totally pretending to de into the lecture, some are dozing behind the copies like the lady beside her, toppers were busy making note mybe for the private tutor, and some creatures are lost in scrutinizing the Beauty of mother Nature ( though beauty of Assam is realy something).

But one of these views are really unique. The one girl sitting in the back
is shaking her head a light lossing her mind in those big blue headphones. Teacher may bag others little bit but he no thoughts about this girl though she is sitting in middle up row clearly visual in the class. The bell rang at 11.40  more like alarm to the legends class 9. As soon as the teacher goes out everyone started to pack the things and run to the door , even those who lost in wonderland.

"Hey ,what just happened?"
" Bade it's where our real class starts from the core paper, practicals".

" Okey, bye sweet , meet you in the lunch".

Just before she leaves the short haired rocky girl came down from the back. She is more like tomboy . Wears trosres under the skirt ,her earphones are now hanging in her neck ,and she Wass chewing something staring at Kuhu with her long ,black, scary ,as well as attractive eyes .

" Hi , pumpkin I am Roma. Nice to see another victim of criticism."

"Rom just stop talking if you can't say any good thing to a new commer " July said

"I am just saying the truth, if she wanna improve then she must accept her current condition."

"It's ok July I am use to it."
" Hey, you wanna change the condition just take an advice , groom your personality or just leave dreaming to be a singer.Because this school gives you wigs to your dream, if you can't fly  with their own money then you will end up breaking the expectations of everyone."

" By the way , we must  keep seeing each other Roma, combine department "

Roma steps out of the room . July was staring at Kuhu, and she was staring at blank

After a thrilling power paked match everyone came outside of the stadium. But kuhu came outside before anyone cane see her. she is now completely in usual self

not to mention about the emberassment she got from the daerest thing she did in the last few minutes of the match. She was grabing her bag tightly ,eyes almost closed ,and

walking in a stormy speed while cursing herself. She doesn't knew at that time but it was just the begining of unexpected incident for her from today.as expected she bumbed into

someone and steped back appologeing, and just crossed the person sanding infront. A gentle pat reached her ................."thanks cutie for cheering me up back there ".

© Phonix