

Hurricane and the tree house
Once upon a time, there liveda
little girl named Lily on the island
of Curacao in the South Atiantic
Ocean. She loved playing
outside and spending time in her
beautiful tree house.
One morning, Lily woke up, looked
outside from her bedroom
window, and saw the trees
moving really fast.

She had never seen the weather
So harsh and worried that the
strong winds might make her tree
house fall down. She rushed to
her mother to ask where these
strong winds were coming from.

Her mother told her a hurricane is
Coming. Lily was confused. She
had never seen one
in her life.
A hurricane ? what is that
mother? Lily inquired.

Her mother answered "A
hurricane is a big storm with
super strong winds. It brings
heavy rain and powerful thun

Lily was fightened, but also
curious to know how they are
formed and so she asked again
Her mother explained that when
ocean water becomes hot, it rise
up in the air and makes huge
slorm clouds.

These clouds then make rain and
cause thunderstoms as well.
The air blows very fast and
Creates a rotating, spiral shape
system. Lily's fear grew and
asked her mother if hurricane
are dangerous.

Yes my dear! there's
flooding and damage
done to houses, cars and
trees. The roads were
filled with deep
and anyone who
stays out side during the
storm is at danger but
don't worry we will move to
a safe before it comes

Lily looked outside with much
sadness and fear. Her mother
asked Robin, the native
fisheman to fetch all her
belongings from the tree house
for safe keeping. This instantly
made her feel better. Lily made a
prayer for her tree house, for
Robin and for everyone on this
land to remain safe during the

Lily and her mother packed food
and water that would last up to
threee days and carried a first aid
kit a flashlight and protective
Clothing. They made their way to
a nearby shelter thereafteer

The End
writer : Ayesha