

Here on earth
The sun grew tender, its light dimmed and no longer warm. The late evening. You just arrived and seemed to have made him wait approx. 7 minutes, but he just smiled. You could only guess what he might be thinking.

In the meantime, couples started to flock the central park. You both are no exceptions, gathering in an open space, taking a sit under the stars and moonlight. His eyes are wandering, looking for a space for both of you.

A man at the far side has just made his girlfriend laughing. The man at the other side offered his girl a bucket of summer flowers. Another one is about to propose his woman with a shiny ring he keep in his left pocket, while the other couples are just cuddling close, closer and warm.

However, there is one extraordinary man who did something more than anyone can ever imagine. Everyone just freezed at the sight. They stare in fascination as he carries his girl in his arms, flaps his angelic wings and fly up high, reaching the moon. She is clinging onto him tightly, to a castle made of light crystal where any of your dreams will come true.

The men felt worthless, the women couldn't help but think about how lucky she is. But the man you're with for a good amount of time, just indifferent. Instead, he calls to you and look in the eyes. His eyes honestly say nothing fascinated him more than your very existence, no matter how awkward is your smile, how strange are your thoughts and dreams, or how blunt are your remarks. He look at the moon once more before he asked.

"...would you stay with me, here on earth?"

Your answer is?

© Bilmanda3611